Back to Corvallis
Author: Sonia BruggerHost Vessel: R/V Oceanus
It's been approximately a month since I left for San Diego. Since then I have completed a mooring deployment cruise and a sediment coring/imaging cruise. I must say it's been a busy month and It feels rather strange to be back on shore.
While I am back I will have to head to our Newport storage facility to pick up some items for my next cruise (spare PMI grips, sensors, etc) and I will continue to try and solve my Triaxus problem.
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Blog Archives
January 2025
Journey's End, Career's Beginning - 01/01/2025December 2024
DeMob Mob Party (Week #10, Briana Prado) - 12/20/2024Bubble Troubles (Week #9, Briana Prado) - 12/09/2024
A Tahitian Escapadé (Week #8, Briana Prado) - 12/02/2024
November 2024
L3W8: Swells and Station 13 - 11/26/2024End of Cruise: CTD Wrapped (Week #7, Briana Prado) - 11/25/2024
Practicing Diligence at Sea (Week #6, Briana Prado) - 11/18/2024
L3W6: Richard Simmons' baby goes to Tahiti - 11/12/2024
Float-ing Long Station (Week #5, Briana Prado) - 11/11/2024
Halloween and Equator Crossing Ceremony! (Week #4, Briana Prado) - 11/04/2024
October 2024
Setting Sail and Befriending the Underway CTD (Week #3, Briana Prado - 10/28/2024L3W4: Boats, Beasts, and Space Ice - 10/24/2024
In Between Days ~ In Between Cruises (Week #2, Briana Prado) - 10/21/2024
H-O-T (#354) T-O G-O (Week #1, Briana Prado) - 10/14/2024
L3W2: HOT Times in Honolulu - 10/10/2024
Week 4: ROV Cruise! - 10/05/2024
September 2024
Week 3: Mud Cruise and Chirp Data - 09/28/2024Week 2: Adventures on the Point Sur - 09/21/2024
Week 1: Getting to know the Pt. Sur - 09/11/2024
UNOLS MATE Introduction: Briana Prado - 09/03/2024
August 2024
Kristine Prado-Casillas Introduction - 08/30/2024Week 4: R/V Pelican (Athena Abrahamsen) - 08/16/2024
L2W7: Bye Bye BIOS - 08/13/2024
Introduction: Sergei Avetisyan - 08/12/2024
Introduction: Sergei Avetisyan - 08/12/2024
Week 3: R/V Pelican (Athena Abrahamsen) - 08/10/2024
Week 2: R/V Pelican (Athena Abrahamsen) - 08/03/2024
July 2024
Week 1: R/V Pelican (Athena Abrahamsen) - 07/27/2024Week 6 Ayse M. On the Langseth - 07/27/2024
USCGC Healy Week 3 - 07/26/2024
Week 5 Ayse M. On the Langseth - 07/25/2024
Week 6 aboard the Langseth - 07/25/2024
Duva Week 6 R/V Langseth - 07/20/2024
Week 2.5: Troubleshooting, acoustics, and… a shark attack? - 07/20/2024
Duva Week 5 R/V Langseth - 07/19/2024
Week 5 aboard the Langseth - 07/18/2024
Introduction: Athena Abrahamsen - 07/18/2024
USCGC Healy Week 2 - 07/17/2024
week 4 Ayse M. On the Langseth - 07/11/2024
week 3 Ayse M. On the Langseth - 07/10/2024
USCGC Healy Week 1 - 07/10/2024
Duva Week 4 R/V Langseth - 07/09/2024
Week 4 aboard the Langseth - 07/09/2024
MATE Internship Introduction: Riley LaPerriere - 07/09/2024
Week 1: In port + first two days of cruise EN719 - 07/09/2024
L2W2: BIOS, BATS, and BVALiciousness - 07/07/2024
Week 3 aboard the Langseth - 07/04/2024
Duva Week 3 on Langseth - 07/04/2024
June 2024
Duva Week 2: Langseth - 06/26/2024week 2 Ayse M. On the Langseth - 06/26/2024
Introduction: Josie Adams - 06/26/2024
Week 2 aboard the Langseth - 06/25/2024
Week 2: Crossing The Gulf - 06/23/2024
Week 1: USCGC Healy - 06/18/2024
Intern Introduction: Gabriela Rodezno - 06/18/2024
Week 1 aboard the Langseth - 06/18/2024
Duva Week 1: Departure and First Station - 06/17/2024
Week 1: June 9th to June 17th - 06/17/2024
Introduction Ayse Macknight - 06/07/2024
Introduction Kristen Carroll - 06/06/2024
Introduction - Chaii Layne-Neubauer - 06/05/2024
Week 4: Stinky Seeps and Robots - 06/05/2024
Duva Week 0: Introduction - 06/04/2024
May 2024
Week 5: Land and the End of an Adventure in Site - 05/31/2024Week 2: Seep Searching - 05/30/2024
Week 4 - 05/27/2024
Week 4: Land on the Horizon - 05/25/2024
Week 1: The Human Orchestra - 05/22/2024
Week 3 "Seas the Day" - 05/20/2024
WEEK 3 - Be Here Now, Because You Are - 05/19/2024
Week 3: A True Taste of Life Aboard - 05/18/2024
Week 2: The Sharp and the Steel Photographer - 05/15/2024
Week 2 Across the Equator! - 05/13/2024
WEEK 2 - Capricorn, Meridian, Equator - 05/12/2024
Week 2: Sunrise to Sunset - 05/11/2024
Week 2: Sunrise to Sunset - 05/11/2024
WEEK 1 - Sailing the South Atlantic - 05/04/2024
Week 1 Across the Atlantic! - 05/03/2024
Week 1: The Journey Begins - 05/03/2024
Week 0: Heya MATE it's Hunter - 05/01/2024
April 2024
First Day of Transit - 04/27/2024Introduction - Ray Barrett - 04/26/2024
Introduction - Rachael Byrd - 04/25/2024
Second to Last Launch Day - 04/25/2024
Introduction - Norman Chung - 04/24/2024
Introduction - Colton Borresen - 04/22/2024
Sea of Cortez - 04/19/2024
Sea of Cortez - 04/17/2024
Second First Dive Day - 04/10/2024
Partial Eclipse of the Intern - 04/08/2024
March 2024
Back On Shore! - 03/22/2024Update - Noah Bourassa - 03/22/2024
Maintenance! - 03/18/2024
Last Dive! - 03/13/2024
Week 9 (Gisler): Goodbye For Now - 03/13/2024
Week 8(Gisler): Calibration Cruise - 03/04/2024
Update #2 - Noah Bourassa - 03/04/2024
No Crying in Tow Throwing - 03/03/2024
February 2024
Week 7 (Gisler): Seattle - 02/26/2024Update - Noah Bourassa - 02/24/2024
Week 2: What's for Launch - 02/23/2024
Week 6 (Gisler): 5 Things The Gulf of Alaska Doesn't Want You To Know (They're All Meclizine) - 02/18/2024
Week 1 - Introducing Ourselves to ALVIN!!! - 02/17/2024
Week 1 - Noah Bourassa - 02/16/2024
Introduction - Emilia Topp-Johnson - 02/11/2024
Week 5 (Gisler): Whatever Floats Your Boat - 02/09/2024
Introduction - Noah Bourassa - 02/02/2024
January 2024
Week 3&4(Gisler): Frame Game - 01/31/2024Week 2 (Gisler) : Dirty Jobs - 01/18/2024
Week 1(Gisler): Hit the Ground Running - 01/11/2024
2023 Long-term Internship Wrap Up! - 01/01/2024
December 2023
Week 0: Sarah Gisler - 12/22/2023November 2023
WHOI/JASON weeks 5 & 6 - 11/20/2023Week 7: Going Home - 11/17/2023
Week 6: The Buoy - 11/12/2023
Week 5: HOT 346 - 11/12/2023
Week 5: Rockin' and Rollin' - 11/08/2023
Week 5: Ice, Ice, Baby! - 11/05/2023
Weeks 3 & 4: JASON Prep, testing, and Control Van Floors - 11/05/2023
Week 4: Big To-Do List - 11/03/2023
Week 4: Oxygen and the RV Kilo Moana - 11/03/2023
October 2023
Week 3: RVTEC and biogeochemical sample analysis - 10/29/2023Weeks 3 and 4: Transit and Arrival North of the Equator 66.5°N - 10/29/2023
Week 3: Conference and Calcium Carbonate - 10/27/2023
1st & 2nd week at WHOI - 10/22/2023
Week 2: Processing, splicing, and maintaining - 10/21/2023
Week 2: Technically Speaking - 10/20/2023
Week 2: Aleutian Island Adventures - 10/15/2023
Week 1: Working at sea is HOT (Hawaii Ocean Time-series) - 10/13/2023
Week 1: R/V Kilo Moana, HOT 345 - 10/12/2023
Week 1: Getting to the Boat, Voyage from Nome to Dutch Harbor - 10/08/2023
Week 0: Introduction - 10/04/2023
Week 0: Pre-Internship Introduction - 10/02/2023
September 2023
Week 5: Atlantic Explorer - 09/24/202311th & 12th week with jASON/WHOI - 09/24/2023
Week 4 R/V Neil Armstrong: From the Arctic Back to Woods Hole - 09/21/2023
Week 4: Atlantic Explorer - 09/17/2023
Week 4 - Haley Holcomb - 09/15/2023
Week 3 R/V Neil Armstrong: Wrangling Buoys! - 09/14/2023
10th week with JASON/WHOI - 09/10/2023
Week 3 - Haley Holcomb - 09/09/2023
Week 3: Atlantic Explorer - 09/09/2023
Week 2: Advent of Storms - 09/08/2023
Week 2 R/V Neil Armstrong: Crazy Space Weather - 09/07/2023
9th week with JASON/WHOI - 09/04/2023
Week 2: Atlantic Explorer - 09/02/2023
Week 2 - Haley Holcomb - 09/02/2023
August 2023
Week 1 R/V Neil Armstrong: Off to Greenland - 08/31/2023Week 1: Aboard the Langseth - 08/30/2023
Week 8 with JASON/WHOI - 08/28/2023
Week 1 - Haley Holcomb - 08/26/2023
Week 1: Atlantic Explorer - 08/26/2023
7th week at sea with JASON/WHOI - 08/21/2023
Week 0 - Haley Holcomb - 08/19/2023
Week 0 R/V Neil Armstrong: Intern Introduction - 08/19/2023
Intern Introduction - 08/18/2023
6th week with JASON/WHOI - 08/14/2023
Week 2: Over too Soon - 08/10/2023
Week 4: Distinguished Visitors + Transit to Astoria, Or. - 08/08/2023
4th and 5th week with JASON/WHOI - 08/08/2023
Langseth take 2: Week 2 - 08/05/2023
Week 1: Arrival and starting Jason Ops - 08/04/2023
Week 3 on the Langseth - 08/04/2023
Week 3 - We finished a science cruise!! - 08/02/2023
July 2023
Week 2 on the Langseth - 07/27/2023Langseth take 2: Week 1 - 07/23/2023
3rd Week with JASON - 07/23/2023
Intern Introduction - 07/21/2023
Week 1 on the Langseth - 07/20/2023
Week 1- Working w/ Alvin Sub & Science Party - 07/19/2023
2nd week with WHOI - 07/16/2023
Day 0: Before boarding the Langseth - 07/13/2023
Let the adventure begin! Week 1 with WHOI - 07/09/2023
Intern Introduction - 07/05/2023
June 2023
Week 4: C'est la vie - 06/30/2023Week 3: OBS's everywhere - 06/23/2023
Intern Introdution - Mija Wheeler - 06/23/2023
Week Six - Back in Lewes - 06/20/2023
Week 4 & 5 - 06/16/2023
Week 2: Gravity brought me down - 06/15/2023
Week Five - Departure - 06/12/2023
Week 1: There Will Be Mud - 06/08/2023
Week Four - Patients is key - 06/05/2023
Hello Bermuda- Week Three - 06/03/2023
May 2023
WEEKS 2-3 ON THE R/V LANGSETH - 05/31/2023Week Three - Breaker Fixed - 05/30/2023
Hello Bermuda- Week Two - 05/27/2023
Intern Introduction - 05/25/2023
WEEKS 1-2 on the R/V Langseth - 05/24/2023
Week Two - Still Stuck in Lewes - 05/22/2023
Hello Bermuda-Week One - 05/20/2023
Week One - Stuck at port - 05/16/2023
2023 Long Term Internship! - 05/11/2023
Intern Introduction - 05/08/2023
Week 5: HYDRO, Mooring, and Goodbye! - 05/07/2023
Hello Bermuda - 05/02/2023
Introduction - 05/02/2023
Week 4: Coding, Coding, and more Coding - 05/01/2023
April 2023
Introduction: Harpoon Seabring - 04/29/2023Week 3: Ship tasks, cruises, and Maintenance Docked - 04/24/2023
Introduction - 04/17/2023
Week 2: BATS Cruise and CTD's - 04/16/2023
Week 1: Flight Delay, CTD, Pumps, and Easter Break - 04/09/2023
Pre-Departure Introduction - 04/01/2023
December 2022
Week 8: Final Week aboard the Armstrong! - 12/16/2022Week 7: INSURV - 12/10/2022
Week 6: Inspections, 3D prints and CTD Terminations! - 12/03/2022
November 2022
Week 5: End of OOI and Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/27/2022Week 4: Finishing OOI Leg 1, Jumping straight into Leg 2! - 11/18/2022
Week 3: Leg 1 of the Final Coastal Pioneer Array OOI Cruise - 11/11/2022
Week 2: Terminations Terminations Terminations! - 11/04/2022
October 2022
Week 1: CTD lanyards, Linux, Mario Kart, Oh Yea! - 10/28/2022Pre- Internship stop in Iceland - 10/21/2022
Pre-Internship Introduction - 10/14/2022
September 2022
Walton Smith Week 16: Finishing running cable, closing the RoxBox, replacing sensors, and .322 terminations - 09/05/2022Week 15: Beginnings and Ends, Establishing a Network - 09/01/2022
August 2022
Walton Smith Week 15: Running cables, creating terminations, replacing sensors, and learning lots more! - 08/29/2022Week 14: In the Tween Deck, Wires, Terminations, Deconstructing and Reassembling CTD - 08/27/2022
Walton Smith Week 14: Final Engine install and dressing as well as side quests - 08/22/2022
Week 13: Getting the starboard engine onboard and mounted - 08/21/2022
Walton Smith Week 13: Cleaning bilges, mounting the port engine, and dressing it - 08/15/2022
Week 12: Bilges, Engine Mounts, and Rox Box Struggles - 08/12/2022
Week 7 - Syenna Graham - 08/11/2022
Walton Smith Week 12: Cleaning bilges and placing the engine onboard - 08/08/2022
Week 11: Forklifts, A-frames, Cranes, and a Big Ol' Engine - 08/06/2022
Week 6 - Syenna Graham - 08/04/2022
Walton Smith Week 11: Removal of the engine mounts and cleaning the bilge - 08/01/2022
July 2022
Week 10: Cleaning Bilges, Mounting Wifi, Running Cable - 07/29/2022Week 5 - Syenna Graham - 07/28/2022
Walton Smith Week 10: Removal of the engines - 07/25/2022
Week 9: Successfully Removing Both Engines - 07/24/2022
Week 4 - Syenna Graham - 07/21/2022
Walton Smith Week 9: Disassembling the engine - 07/18/2022
Week 3 - Syenna Graham - 07/14/2022
Week 8: Deconstructing the Port Side Engine - 07/14/2022
Walton Smith Week 8: Starting the engine project and improving our Wi-Fi - 07/11/2022
Week 7: POSMV, Wifi, and Welding - 07/07/2022
Walton Smith Week 7: Diving into individual jobs and ending the week on a good note - 07/04/2022
Last week with WHOI-JASON team! - 07/01/2022
Week 2 - Syenna Graham - 07/01/2022
June 2022
Week 6: Taking on projects making an A/C unit and step, while deconstructing the CTD - 06/30/2022Walton Smith Week 6: Lots of Good Memories and and Learning More - 06/27/2022
5th Week with JASON - 06/24/2022
R/V Sharp week 4 - 06/23/2022
Week 5: Removing Erroneous Electronic Components, Replacing A/C Units, and Fighting Ants - 06/23/2022
Week 1 - Syenna Graham - 06/21/2022
Walton Smith Week 5: Lots of poop (human and rodent, as well as grey water) but finished off on a good note - 06/20/2022
Last week on the Escanaba Cruise - 06/16/2022
Week 4: Making connections to the Network and Plumbing Projects - 06/16/2022
Week 4 R/V Sharp - 06/15/2022
Introduction - Syenna Graham - 06/14/2022
Walton Smith Week 4: Completing many jobs for the Marine Tech, Chief Engineer, and Bos'n - 06/13/2022
3rd Week with JASON - 06/11/2022
Week 3: Learning Network Infrastructure, Data Acquisition, and Working on Small Projects - 06/09/2022
Walton Smith Week 3: Learning about networking and completing jobs around the ship - 06/06/2022
Week 3 R/V Sharp - 06/05/2022
2nd week with WHOI - 06/04/2022
Week 2: Prepping for engine overhaul F.G. Walton Smith - 06/02/2022
May 2022
WEEK 3: R/V Sharp - 05/31/2022Week 2 R/V Sharp - 05/30/2022
Walton Smith Week 2: Finishing the second cruise - 05/30/2022
First week with the JASON team - 05/27/2022
Week 1: First Trip with the F.G. Walton Smith - 05/26/2022
WEEK 2: R/V Sharp - 05/24/2022
Walton Smith Week 1: Arrival and first cruises - 05/23/2022
Preparing to venture out! - 05/20/2022
Week 1 R/V Sharp - 05/19/2022
Week 1 R/V Sharp - 05/19/2022
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 05/16/2022
Introduction - 05/12/2022
Introduction - 05/10/2022
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 05/05/2022
April 2022
Leg 2 of OOI Pioneer 18 and Internship Conclusion - 04/30/2022Excitement from Leg 1 of OOI Pioneer 18 - 04/19/2022
Week 2: Time in Port and Beginning of OOI Pioneer 18 - 04/11/2022
Week 1: First Cruise - 04/04/2022
March 2022
Pre-internship: Introduction - 03/22/2022February 2022
Week 7: The End - 02/26/2022Working on the RV Sikuliaq - some pics - 02/17/2022
Week 6: Setting Sail - 02/15/2022
Week 5: Finally Floating - 02/09/2022
Week 4: Drydock part two: Electric Boogaloo - 02/02/2022
January 2022
Week 3: Drydock part one - 01/24/2022Week 2: Stormy Seas - 01/14/2022
First Week(kind of): Alaska - 01/05/2022
December 2021
Pre-Internship Intro Blog - 12/29/2021September 2021
Weeks 10 and 11 - 09/17/2021Week 9: Loading Alvin - 09/08/2021
Week 8 - 09/01/2021
August 2021
Week 7 - 08/22/2021Day 38 - 08/19/2021
Week 5: Arrival - 08/11/2021
Week 6 - 08/11/2021
Week 5 with Alvin - 08/11/2021
Day 28 - 08/09/2021
Week 4: To and Through the Panama Canal - 08/06/2021
Day 23 - 08/04/2021
Week 4 with the Alvin team - 08/03/2021
3rd Week at Sea (In Route to Panama) - 08/02/2021
Week 3: A Sweaty Set Up - 08/01/2021
July 2021
Weeks 2 and 3: Electrical Testing - 07/30/2021Day 18 - 07/30/2021
2nd Week at Sea (Anacortes, WA to SF, CA) - 07/26/2021
Week 2: Methane Seeps! - 07/25/2021
Day 12 - 07/24/2021
1st Week at Sea - 07/18/2021
Day 5 - 07/17/2021
Week 1 of My Internship - 07/14/2021
Week 1: Predeparture - 07/12/2021
Introduction - 07/11/2021
Getting Ready to Fly Out - 07/05/2021
Sailing off on a New Horizon - 07/01/2021
December 2020
Week 35 & 36: On The Walton Smith - 12/11/2020Week 45: Wrapping things up - 12/11/2020
Week 44: Soldering Penetrators - 12/04/2020
November 2020
Week 43: Cleaning and Holidays - 11/27/2020Week 42: Video Killed the Video Hub? - 11/20/2020
Week 41: Messy Work - 11/13/2020
Week 40: In the Ring - 11/06/2020
Week 34: On The Walton Smith - 11/02/2020
October 2020
Week 39: Some of the Pieces Come Together - 10/30/2020Week 38: Verification and Inventory - 10/23/2020
Week 37: More Moving and Wires - 10/16/2020
Week 33: On The Walton Smith - 10/12/2020
Week 36: Circuit Board Soldering - 10/09/2020
Week 32: On The Walton Smith - 10/05/2020
Week 35: Soldering work - 10/02/2020
September 2020
Week 31: On The Walton Smith - 09/28/2020Week 34: Headphones and Loud Noises - 09/25/2020
Week 30: On The Walton Smith - 09/21/2020
Week 33: Circuits! - 09/18/2020
Week 29: On The Walton Smith - 09/14/2020
Week 32: Running in Circles with Motor Controllers - 09/11/2020
Week 28: On The Walton Smith - 09/09/2020
Week 31: Simulating Alvin - 09/04/2020
Week 27: On The Walton Smith - 09/02/2020
August 2020
Week 30: Under Pressure - 08/28/2020Week 26: On The Walton Smith - 08/24/2020
Week 29: Soldering in Circles - 08/21/2020
Week 25: On The Walton Smith - 08/18/2020
Week 28: Smaller Disassembly - 08/14/2020
Week 27: Fail to Pass - 08/07/2020
Week 24: On The Walton Smith - 08/07/2020
Week 23: On The Walton Smith - 08/06/2020
Week 22: On The Walton Smith - 08/05/2020
July 2020
Week 26: Real Work with Real Problems - 07/31/2020Week 25: Start and Stop - 07/24/2020
Week 24: Fuses and Writing - 07/17/2020
Week 21: On The Walton Smith - 07/14/2020
Week 20: On the Walton Smith - 07/13/2020
Week 23:Keep on Working - 07/10/2020
Week 22: Starting Maintenance Projects - 07/03/2020
Week 18-19: On the Walton Smith - 07/03/2020
June 2020
Week 21: Preparing the Shop - 06/26/2020Week 20: Life without Alvin - 06/19/2020
Week 17: On the Walton Smith - 06/16/2020
Week 16: On the Walton Smith - 06/12/2020
Week 19: Alvin? What Alvin? - 06/12/2020
Week 18: Very Little Sub Left - 06/05/2020
Week 15: On the Walton Smith - 06/03/2020
May 2020
Week 17: Continued Alvin Deconstruction - 05/29/2020Week 14: On the Walton Smith - 05/27/2020
Week 16: Barely There Alvin - 05/22/2020
Week 13: On the Walton Smith - 05/20/2020
Week 15: Alvin Insides - 05/16/2020
Week 12: On the walton smith - 05/13/2020
Week 14: Return to Work - 05/09/2020
Week 11: On the walton smith - 05/06/2020
Week 13: Read On - 05/03/2020
April 2020
Week 10: On the walton smith - 04/29/2020Week 12: The Reading Continues - 04/26/2020
Week 9: On the walton smith - 04/22/2020
Week 11: More Reading - 04/19/2020
Week 8: On the walton smith - 04/14/2020
Week 8: On the walton smith - 04/14/2020
Week 10: Continued At Home Reading - 04/12/2020
Week 7: Saying Goodbye - 04/10/2020
Weeks 6 & 7: On The Walton Smith - 04/07/2020
Week 9: At Home Research - 04/05/2020
March 2020
Week 6: Heading Home - 03/30/2020Week 8: On Ship, Off Ship - 03/29/2020
Week 7: The Alvin Has Landed - 03/22/2020
Week 5: Changing out an Antenna - 03/22/2020
Week 5: Thinking Mud, Part II - 03/21/2020
Week 4: On the Walton smith - 03/16/2020
Week 6: Finishing Up At Sea - 03/15/2020
Week 2: Constant Change - 03/14/2020
Week 3: Preparing For Haul Out - 03/11/2020
Week 2: First time out - 03/10/2020
Week 3: Preparing the Ship for Haul Out - 03/10/2020
Weeks 3&4: Thinking Mud - 03/10/2020
Week 3: Preparing the Ship for Haul Out - 03/08/2020
Week 5: Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors - 03/08/2020
Week 1: Welcome to Bermuda - 03/07/2020
Week 4: Work, Work, Work - 03/01/2020
February 2020
Week 2: Our First Trip - 02/29/2020Week 2: Barbados - 02/26/2020
Week 1: Arrived at the Walton Smith - 02/24/2020
Week 3: Out and Back Again - 02/23/2020
week 1: Arrived at the Walton Smith - 02/21/2020
Week 1: Arrived at the Walton Smith - 02/21/2020
Pre Cruise Introduction - 02/19/2020
Week 1: Aboard the Endeavor and off to Barbados - 02/17/2020
Week 2: Finally Underway - 02/16/2020
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 02/10/2020
Week 1: On board (kinda) - 02/09/2020
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 02/03/2020
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 02/01/2020
November 2019
Week 10: Homeward Bound - 11/02/2019October 2019
Week 8: Conte Cruise - 10/31/2019Week 9: Gulf of Alaska - 10/26/2019
Week 7: Second BATS Cruise - 10/24/2019
Week 8: Port Call - 10/19/2019
Week 6: Wilhelm Cruise - 10/17/2019
Week 7: Sea Gliders - 10/12/2019
Week 5: Return to Bermuda - 10/10/2019
Week 6: Marginal Ice Zone - 10/05/2019
Week 4: BATSVAL Cruise and Puerto Rico - 10/03/2019
September 2019
Week 5: Back to Beaufort Sea - 09/28/2019Week 3: Port Days - 09/26/2019
Week 4: Ice Station - 09/20/2019
Week 2: Humberto - 09/19/2019
Week 3: Sea Ice - 09/13/2019
Week 1: First Cruise - 09/12/2019
Week 2: Bering Sea - 09/07/2019
Week 16 - 09/05/2019
Test Blog - Preparation and Arrival - 09/04/2019
End of Internship - 09/04/2019
Last Cruise aboard the RV Atlantic Explorer - 09/01/2019
August 2019
Week 1: Dutch Harbor - 08/31/2019So Long Reykjanes Ridge - 08/30/2019
FINAL WEEK on Healy- no longer an Iceworm - 08/26/2019
Last Multiple Day Cruise - 08/25/2019
Week 14 - 08/24/2019
Week 4 On the Healy - 08/19/2019
Week 4 on Healy - Near the end of HLY1901 - 08/19/2019
Second to Last Cruise - 08/18/2019
Week 11 - 08/13/2019
Week 3 on Healy - HLY1901 - 08/12/2019
Week 3 on the Healy-First week of science - 08/11/2019
Roughest weather since I've been in Bermuda - 08/11/2019
Week 2 on Healy - Kodiak to Nome and Science - 08/06/2019
Week 2 on Healy - 08/04/2019
Holiday in Bermuda - 08/04/2019
July 2019
Week 10 - 07/31/2019First Blog Post - 07/30/2019
Week 1 Healy - 07/29/2019
Week 1 on Healy - Seattle to Kodiak - 07/29/2019
NSF Inspection - 07/28/2019
Modern life at sea - 07/24/2019
Sweet somber sailing - 07/22/2019
Learning From Different Perspectives - 07/21/2019
Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Study - 07/21/2019
Introduction - 07/20/2019
Pre-Internship Introduction - 07/16/2019
Birthday on Board - 07/16/2019
XBT gonna give it to ya - 07/15/2019
Week 9 - 07/15/2019
Always Saying Yes to Learning Experiences - 07/14/2019
First Week in Bermuda - 07/14/2019
The speed of sound - 07/11/2019
Week 2, What to Do - 07/08/2019
Week 2 - Ping it on - 07/08/2019
Reality on a research vessel - 07/04/2019
The Midnight Sun Has Set on Week 1 - 07/02/2019
Week 1 in the N. Atlantic - 07/01/2019
June 2019
Orienting ourselves on an ocean mapping cruise - 06/24/2019Week Six: The Final Week on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 06/24/2019
Pre-Cruise: Preparing for a Month Under the Icelandic Midnight Sun - 06/23/2019
Don't mind if I do... - 06/21/2019
Week 7 - 06/19/2019
Week 5 - This is how the survey ends - 06/15/2019
Week Five: The Last Week of the Scallop Survey - 06/15/2019
Week 4 - Teter Rock - 06/14/2019
Week Four: Lost in the Abyss - 06/08/2019
Week 5 - 06/05/2019
Week Three: Eat. Sleep. Dredge. Repeat - 06/01/2019
May 2019
Week 4 - 05/29/2019Week 2 - Scallop Survey Shuffle - 05/28/2019
Week Two: Endless HABCAM - 05/25/2019
Week 3 - 05/22/2019
Week One- The Beginning - 05/18/2019
Happy HABCAM'ing - 05/18/2019
Week 2 - 05/15/2019
Pre-Intern - 05/11/2019
Pre-cruise test - 05/10/2019
My MATE Internship - 05/10/2019
Week 1 - 05/08/2019
November 2018
Week 5: All Good Things Must Come to an End - 11/23/2018Week 4: As the Sun Sets, Winter Awakes. - 11/16/2018
Week 3: Pancakes, Polynyas, and Polar Bears - 11/09/2018
Week 2: Shoot for the STARcS - 11/02/2018
7. Time to Say Goodbye - 11/01/2018
October 2018
Week 1: Up up up and Underway - 10/26/20186. CLIO is on Board - 10/25/2018
Week Five: Inport Dutch Harbor - 10/20/2018
Week Four: Finishing Science Ops and Steaming Towards Dutch - 10/13/2018
Final Week: Full-Circle Reflection - 10/13/2018
5. Back in Bermuda - 10/12/2018
Preparing for an High Arctic Expedition - 10/11/2018
Week Three:80 degrees north - 10/06/2018
4. Arrival in Puerto Rico - 10/05/2018
September 2018
Week Two: The Start of the SODA Moorings. - 09/29/20183. En Route to Puerto Rico - 09/28/2018
Week Twenty-Two: Part of Something Big - 09/23/2018
2. Arrival, but no boat - 09/22/2018
Week One: Underway from Dutch Harbor and into the realm of the Arctic Circle - 09/22/2018
Week Twenty-One: Hello, Old Friend - 09/17/2018
1. Time for an Adventure - 09/14/2018
Pre-Internship Healy 1802 - 09/12/2018
Week Twenty: Last Days In Alaska - 09/09/2018
5: The turn of the tide - 09/09/2018
4 My Final Week with the Alvin Group Aboard the Atlantis - 09/05/2018
Week Nineteen: Aleutian Appreciation - 09/02/2018
August 2018
3 First Week at Sea with the Alvin Group - 08/29/2018Week 3: Ahhh-tlantis - 08/27/2018
4: Into the abyss - 08/26/2018
Week Eighteen: To-Do List - 08/26/2018
Week Seventeen: Staying Cool Under Pressure - 08/20/2018
3: Across the horizon - 08/20/2018
2 Preparation for the Atlantis/Alvin Cruise - 08/20/2018
Week 2: Leaving Land - 08/18/2018
Week 1- On board R/V Atlantis - 08/13/2018
2: New beginnings - 08/13/2018
1 Aboard the R/V Atlantis with the Alvin Group - 08/13/2018
Week Sixteen: Arctic Chill - 08/12/2018
Week Fifteen: Iceworm no Longer - 08/05/2018
1: From one boat to another - 08/05/2018
Anticipating Alvin - 08/03/2018
July 2018
Week Fourteen: Cruising to Kodiak - 07/30/2018Week Thirteen: 47deg N at 85deg F - 07/23/2018
0 Pre-Internship Post: R/V Atlantis - 07/23/2018
Challenging Myself - 07/17/2018
Week 2-aka Last Week at BIOS - 07/15/2018
Week 1-Into the Bermuda Triangle - 07/08/2018
Week Twelve: Troubleshooting - 07/08/2018
Week 1-Into the Bermuda Triangle! - 07/08/2018
Week Eleven: Spruce and Sea Spray - 07/02/2018
June 2018
Pre-Internship Blog Post - 06/29/2018There and Back Again - 06/25/2018
Week Ten: The Quick Turnaround - 06/24/2018
R/V Atlantic Explorer Week 2 - 06/22/2018
Stateside - 06/21/2018
Week Nine: Science and Salvage - 06/17/2018
All Hands On Deck - 06/14/2018
The HABCAM Returns - 06/12/2018
Week Eight: Night Fishing - 06/11/2018
Smooth Seas and Proper Preparation - 06/04/2018
Week Seven: Dirt Don't Hurt - 06/03/2018
May 2018
Higher Latitudes, Lower Temperatures - 05/30/2018Ready to Depart! - 05/29/2018
Week Six: At the Dock - 05/28/2018
Wait it's only been a week? - 05/22/2018
Week Five: Hit Ground and Run - 05/20/2018
Week Four: Countdown to Reykjavik - 05/14/2018
Ready to Depart - 05/13/2018
Week Three: Transit to Iceland - 05/06/2018
April 2018
Week Two: A Return to the Day Shift - 04/29/2018Week One: Rough Seas - 04/22/2018
Arrival - 04/14/2018
November 2017
USCGC Healy - Final Week - 11/19/2017USCGC Healy - Slide into Seward - 11/12/2017
USCGC Healy - Happy Healy-ween! - 11/05/2017
October 2017
USCGC Healy - Science and Seinfeld - 10/29/2017USCGC Healy - Getting Started - 10/22/2017
Saying Goodbye - 10/13/2017
I'm going to name my dog, Niskin! - 10/10/2017
USCGC Healy - Internship Starting Next Week! - 10/08/2017
Don't tell the bears, I'm stuck! - 10/02/2017
Leaving for Puerto Rico- Did I mention Hurricane Maria JUST passed? - 10/01/2017
September 2017
Nature's Discotech - 09/25/2017Cruisin' to the Big City - 09/24/2017
Everyone's grows up sometimes: Holding my own shift - 09/17/2017
Preparing to go meet USCGC Healy - 09/16/2017
Week 3 Aboard the USCGC Healy - 09/12/2017
Storms, Cruise Prep and my First Milli-Q Installation - 09/10/2017
Week 2 Aboard the USCGC Healy - 09/05/2017
Week 5.286 Aboard the Armstrong - 09/04/2017
I've been suspended from a crane! - 09/03/2017
Week 4: Adieu Atlantis - 09/02/2017
Week 5 Aboard the Armstrong - 09/01/2017
August 2017
Week 1 Aboard the USCGC Healy - 08/29/2017Surprise Mooring Cruise - 08/27/2017
Pictures Galore! - 08/25/2017
Week 4 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/25/2017
BATS: Round Two! - 08/20/2017
Week 3 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/18/2017
Pre-Internship USCGC Healy - 08/17/2017
A Welcome Return from Canada - 08/13/2017
Week 3 Aboard the Walton Smith: Everglades, waterways, and CTDs - 08/12/2017
Week 2 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/11/2017
From Bermuda to Halifax, Canada - 08/06/2017
Week 1 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/04/2017
July 2017
Week 2 Aboard the Walton Smith: Tucker Trawls, Shrimp, and Bioluminescence - 07/30/2017On shore in Bermuda - 07/28/2017
Week 1 Aboard the Walton Smith: Knots, Navigation, and CTDs - 07/23/2017
A Welcoming Arrival and First Cruise in Bermuda - 07/21/2017
Before I Set Sail - 07/18/2017
Week 4 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 07/17/2017
Before the internship aboard the F.G Walton Smith - 07/16/2017
Home and an Awaiting Adventure in Bermuda - 07/14/2017
Week 3 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 07/09/2017
Week 2 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 07/03/2017
June 2017
Reflections and my Final Trip on the Pelican - 06/30/2017Week 1 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 06/25/2017
Final Two Weeks: Hurricane Season - 06/22/2017
Week Five: We're on the move - 06/20/2017
Week Five on the R/V Sharp - 06/17/2017
A New Vessel in Mississippi - 06/15/2017
Week 4 -the beginning of the engineering cruse- - 06/14/2017
Florida on the R/V F. G. Walton Smith - 06/11/2017
Week Four on the R/V Sharp - 06/09/2017
Pictures from Scallop Leg 2 - 06/06/2017
Week three is a Little late - 06/06/2017
Beautiful Deep Sea Discoveries- Photos Galor, A MUST Read! - 06/06/2017
Week Three on R/V Sharp - 06/02/2017
May 2017
Deep Water Horizon, Shipwrecks and ROVS - 05/29/2017Its week two on board the Atlantis - 05/28/2017
Week 2 on R/V Sharp - 05/27/2017
Pictures from Scallop Leg 1 - 05/25/2017
First week with the R/V Atlantis - 05/23/2017
Big Wigs and Boat Celebrations in Baton Rouge - 05/22/2017
Week 1 on R/V Sharp - 05/19/2017
Preparation for Internship aboard R/V Atlantis - 05/15/2017
Docks and Landers in the Gulf - 05/15/2017
Getting Ready for my Internship on R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 05/10/2017
First Month Down - 05/08/2017
Mexico, Storms and Drones - 05/01/2017
April 2017
Week Two: The Sound of Pelicans and the Smell of New Orleans! - 04/22/2017Week 1: The Gulf of Mexico and Dolphins! - 04/13/2017
Almost on my Way! - 04/01/2017
October 2016
Conclusions on the R/V Sikuliaq - 10/12/2016September 2016
Sheets and Ice Sheets: Taking the Plunge - 09/16/2016Blog 6: Day 28 - The End in Sight - 09/11/2016
WEEK 9- Breakdown, Bottles and Bees - 09/10/2016
Blog 5: Day 26 - Pictures! - 09/09/2016
CTDs, Sea Ice and Polar Bears - 09/08/2016
Blog 4: Day 22 - White September - 09/05/2016
WEEK 8- Cable Termination, Nearing the End - 09/03/2016
August 2016
Transiting on the R/V Sikuliaq! - 08/30/2016Blog 3: Day 14 - Waiting out the ice - 08/28/2016
WEEK 7- An Unexpected Visit Home - 08/27/2016
Blog 2: Day 7 - I think I see Russia - 08/21/2016
WEEK 6- Alongside - 08/20/2016
Blog 1: Day 0 - Pre-internship post - 08/14/2016
Better late than never - 08/14/2016
WEEK 5- Canceled Cruises, Funeral For Our Fallen Brother - 08/13/2016
Return and Reflect - 08/10/2016
Week 4- Downtime and Tragedy - 08/08/2016
Week 3- South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Cruise - 08/03/2016
Moorings and Transit - 08/03/2016
July 2016
Creatures of the Pockmarks - 07/26/2016Pre-Internship on the R/V Sikuliaq! - 07/25/2016
Week 2-Bioluminescent Sea Creatures - 07/24/2016
Station to Station - 07/20/2016
Week 1 - 07/17/2016
Another successful cruise - 07/17/2016
Backing and Ramming - 07/11/2016
R/V Sikuliaq Cruise Report - 07/07/2016
Pre-Internship Blog - 07/07/2016
Holiday at Sea- Week 1 - 07/04/2016
Quiet times - 07/02/2016
Blog 3, Final - 07/01/2016
June 2016
Final Week Aboard the Sharp - 06/30/2016Mid-Intern post - 06/28/2016
Introduction and Anticipation - 06/27/2016
Pre-Internship Blog Test - 06/26/2016
USCG Healy Internship - Post 2 - 06/24/2016
Week 5 Aboard the R/V Sharp - 06/20/2016
Pre-internship blog - 06/19/2016
BATS Cruise - 06/16/2016
Week 4 Aboard the R/V sharp - 06/14/2016
Back at it - 06/14/2016
Pre-Internship - Post 1 - 06/13/2016
Week 3 Aboard the R/V Sharp - 06/09/2016
Hydrostation Time! - 06/09/2016
The End or the Beginning? - 06/09/2016
A Quick Update - 06/04/2016
Week 2 Aboard the R/V Sharp - 06/02/2016
Week Three - Back at the Dock - 06/02/2016
A Slight Change of Plans - 06/01/2016
May 2016
Week 01 - 05/28/2016Week Two- Change of Plans - 05/26/2016
Week 1 - 05/22/2016
Pre-Internship - 05/22/2016
Land! - 05/20/2016
Week One in the Bermuda Triangle - 05/19/2016
Moving into sediment - 05/14/2016
Pre-Internship - 05/10/2016
Pre-Intern - 05/10/2016
Mapping Complete - 05/06/2016
Seafloor mapping out in the Pacific - 05/03/2016
April 2016
Transit - 04/17/2016Back at sea - 04/09/2016
Picture test - 04/09/2016
Stuck - 04/07/2016
March 2016
Busy busy busy - 03/26/2016Week 1 - 03/13/2016
Pre-internship - 03/02/2016
September 2015
The last few days on R/V Langseth - 09/12/2015Looking for freshwater - 09/06/2015
Week One: The Langseth is hard at work - 09/06/2015
August 2015
Week 4- The journey back - 08/28/2015Getting ready for the Langseth! - 08/25/2015
Week 3- Home stretch - 08/21/2015
The End - 08/19/2015
Week 2- Equipment - 08/15/2015
Multibeam/Coring Cruise - 08/13/2015
Week One- Getting acquainted - 08/07/2015
July 2015
Let The Science Begin - 07/31/2015I didn't blow up the ship! - 07/30/2015
My third and longest trip - 07/27/2015
New England Mud Patch - 07/23/2015
First 12 days on the Point Sur - 07/17/2015
Week 2 - From Port to the Deep Blue - 07/15/2015
Back to Corvallis - 07/14/2015
Searching for Deep Sea Prey - 07/09/2015
RV Langseth: Last blog post - 07/08/2015
Dreams do come true - 07/05/2015
First day aboard the RV Falkor - 07/05/2015
RV Langseth: Wrapping up Coverage - 07/03/2015
First Week at Sea - 07/02/2015
June 2015
End of a Chapter - 06/25/2015RV Langseth: Fishing gear - 06/24/2015
R/V Pelican- The End - 06/21/2015
After the Healy - 06/20/2015
Days of Dredging - 06/18/2015
RV Langseth: Mowin' the grass - 06/17/2015
R/V Pelican: Waiting on the Weather - 06/13/2015
Dredging, Whales, and the Last Leg - 06/11/2015
RV Langseth: Data Rolling in - 06/10/2015
RV Langseth: First week out at sea - 06/04/2015
R/V Pelican- Almost there! - 06/04/2015
Fun with Dredging - 06/04/2015
Quick update - 06/01/2015
May 2015
Transitions - 05/28/2015RV Langseth: First few days on the boat - 05/27/2015
Pre-Internship Hello - 05/22/2015
Week #1: Settling In - 05/21/2015
From parts to product - 05/20/2015
RV Langseth: Getting ready to go - 05/19/2015
Adios San Diego, Hola Portland! What we do while in transit … - 05/15/2015
Pre-Internship Excitement - 05/13/2015
Reflections - 05/08/2015
Best laid plans … - 05/01/2015
April 2015
Understanding Wire and Rope (Part 1) - Wire - 04/28/2015Oregon Coast Marine Life - 04/20/2015
Maintenance, Sampling and Catching (because anyone can fish) - 04/17/2015
Haze Gray (white) and Underway - 04/07/2015
Ocean Observatories Initiative Cruise - 04/03/2015
March 2015
3..2..1..Start - 03/24/2015La felia padrig (Happy St. Patty's Day) - 03/17/2015
October 2014
The End…for now - 10/13/2014September 2014
Cape Crusaders - 09/30/2014Our love/hate relationship with electronics - 09/25/2014
Looking Westward - 09/23/2014
Our favorite patch of ocean - 09/16/2014
Last Day - 09/12/2014
On my own - 09/11/2014
In all her glory - 09/09/2014
Let's do this! - 09/02/2014
Irminger to Iceland - 09/02/2014
August 2014
Apocalypse Now - 08/27/2014A picture is worth a thousand words - 08/27/2014
The R/V Oceanus marine tech team - 08/26/2014
Week Six- The End - 08/26/2014
Steaming west in the Labrador Sea - 08/25/2014
Hole in the hull - 08/21/2014
Week Five - 08/20/2014
R/V Knorr is in the Labrador Sea - 08/18/2014
Week Four - 08/15/2014
Castles in the sand - 08/15/2014
Last OBS cruise - 08/13/2014
2 down and another to go... - 08/11/2014
Working on the Irminger Sea - 08/10/2014
Reflections after the internship - 08/08/2014
Week Three- Not so many Thunderstorms - 08/06/2014
On the R/V Knorr - 08/05/2014
CTDs - 08/04/2014
Deploying OBSs - 08/03/2014
July 2014
Sea sickness under control - 07/31/2014Week Two- Good Bye Scallops, Hello Thunderstorms - 07/30/2014
The Final Post - 07/29/2014
Arrived to Dutch Harbor - 07/28/2014
The End, with a Polar Bear! - 07/27/2014
Hi Seas Net: a frustrating mystery - 07/26/2014
5 days until Iceland - 07/26/2014
Boat delivery service - 07/25/2014
Observations and Ideas - 07/24/2014
Filtering Phytoplankton! - 07/23/2014
Internship begins - 07/22/2014
Week One-Scalloping - 07/21/2014
Shenanigans and work - 07/19/2014
Adjusting - 07/18/2014
RVHRS Scallop Survey - Last Leg - 07/17/2014
The first week flew by soon we are ready for work - 07/15/2014
On to the Healy and a Rescue in the Ice! - 07/15/2014
RVHRS Scallop Survey - Second Leg - 07/14/2014
First week onboard R/V Oceanus - 07/13/2014
Just finished preparing, ready to begin - 07/07/2014
Ready to Go - 07/07/2014
The First days Aboard the USCGC Healy - 07/06/2014
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end - 07/03/2014
June 2014
Third week on the Sharp - 06/30/2014RVHRS Scallop Survey - First Leg - 06/30/2014
Preparation for the Journey through Ice and Snow - 06/29/2014
IT WORKS!! - 06/27/2014
Second week on the Sharp - 06/16/2014
Preparations - 06/11/2014
Ocean Bottom Electromagnetic Receivers - 06/10/2014
First week aboard Sharp - 06/07/2014
Applying, packing, and travel - 06/06/2014
May 2014
Departing for My Internship! - 05/29/2014On Board the R/V Oceanus - 05/05/2014
April 2014
Manganese Mania - 04/30/2014End of my Thompson Hitch - 04/16/2014
No More MoorSPICE - 04/02/2014
March 2014
Solomon Seas with MoorSPICE - 03/19/2014Transit to New Caledonia - 03/05/2014
February 2014
End of the Wave Chasers Cruise - 02/19/2014Tow-Yo Troubles on the Thompson - 02/06/2014
January 2014
Gray Skies and Blue Marlin - 01/28/2014Let the Wave Chasing Commence! - 01/19/2014
Gearing up for 40 days with the WaveChasers - 01/13/2014
Samoa-Bound - 01/01/2014
December 2013
Samoa-Bound - 12/30/2013November 2013
Down Time - 11/12/2013Special Thanks - 11/11/2013
Some Science - 11/04/2013
1PPS and Dry Wells - 11/03/2013
October 2013
E/V Nautilus - 10/31/2013The Simple Things - 10/24/2013
Pictorial of the most epic rebuild - 10/14/2013
Team CTD - 10/13/2013
Just the Beginning - 10/06/2013
Back in the saddle again - 10/06/2013
September 2013
Time To Find Some Warm Socks - 09/28/2013It's the Final Countdown! - 09/11/2013
Icelandic Culinary Delights - 09/04/2013
Signing off E/V Nautilus: Michael Smith - 09/02/2013
Fun, Games, & a little bit of Science - 09/01/2013
Possibly more than you wanted to know about what we do - 09/01/2013
August 2013
From the Boston Tea Party to Tacos - 08/27/2013Getting More Dives Under My Belt - 08/26/2013
The Deep Blue - 08/20/2013
Multi-core-apalooza - 08/19/2013
Settling in New New York - 08/19/2013
My First Week at Sea - 08/16/2013
Signing off from the R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 08/16/2013
First Night Aboard RV Langseth - 08/14/2013
Welcome to Iceland - 08/12/2013
6 Months In - 08/11/2013
Incoming ROV Intern- Michael Smith - 08/08/2013
CTD's and More CTD's! - 08/08/2013
Checking in from the R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 08/02/2013
From Satellites to C-Nav - 08/01/2013
July 2013
Counting Down the Days - 07/22/2013R/V H.R. Sharp Fishing for Rocks - 07/17/2013
Trial by fire - 07/14/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Leaving the Boat - 07/10/2013
Watching Bubbles and dodging waves - 07/07/2013
R/V H.R. Sharp Georges Bank - 07/06/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Working in Port - 07/01/2013
June 2013
Hanging out in Davy Jones' livingroom - 06/28/2013R/V Marcus G. Langseth: BREAKing News - 06/25/2013
R/V H. Sharp: Scallop Photo Shoot and Shucking Party - 06/23/2013
Astoria Oregon... - 06/20/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: A Daily Routine on the Boat - 06/19/2013
R/V BLUE HERON-Duluth Minn./ Lake Superior - 06/17/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Working out the Kinks - 06/13/2013
The Panama Canal and so much more - 06/12/2013
R/V H. SHARP1: From the West to East - 06/10/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Collecting the Data - 06/08/2013
Oh what amazing sights we see - 06/05/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Letting out the Streamers - 06/04/2013
May 2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: An Explanation of How Stuff Works - 05/31/2013Bouncing around THE BAR - 05/31/2013
Staring into the Depths - 05/29/2013
Hard Days of Work - 05/27/2013
Leaving Town with Lasers - 05/24/2013
Tyler Poppenwimer: R/V Marcus G. Langseth - 05/23/2013
Whirlwind of Travel - 05/23/2013
Ship and Shop Maintenance - 05/17/2013
A bitter sweet ending - 05/15/2013
Wires, wires everywhere! - 05/14/2013
R/V Barnes Day trips and More - 05/10/2013
New Langseth Adventures! - 05/09/2013
The Sounds of Silence - 05/05/2013
The Journey Continues - 05/01/2013
In port - 05/01/2013
April 2013
Internal Waves and Whales - 04/24/2013Langseth Part II: The Mid-Atlantic - 04/21/2013
Northwest Bound - 04/17/2013
Exciting news from the Langseth! - 04/15/2013
Things never go as planned - 04/10/2013
R/V Marcus Langseth: The 2013 MATE Adventures - 04/05/2013
March 2013
Unexpected knowledge comes in handy - 03/25/2013Don't bight off more than you can chew. - 03/24/2013
New Updates for Rover Competition - 03/14/2013
July 2012
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Leaving the Boat - 07/06/2012Recent Comments
Duva Week 6 R/V Langseth
Capt. Tricia Senzel said:
Ahoy Eddy & Co,
Wow, that is a lot of excitement packed in to a few days compared to what has co ...
Duva Week 5 R/V Langseth
Tricia Senzel said:
Ahoy Eddy & Co,
Fulmars and Haagen Daz all in the same day! That a lot for a day at sea.
The e ...
Duva Week 4 R/V Langseth
Capt. Tricia Senzel said:
Ahoy Eddy,
This is great to read about the dolomite, which naturally has me thinking of the Champlai ...
Duva Week 3 on Langseth
Capt. Tricia Senzel said:
Ahoy Eddy,
Oh my, covid made an appearance. That certainly is a surprise given that you have been ...
Duva Week 2: Langseth
Capt. Tricia Senzel said:
Ahoy Eddy and Co.
WOW! That's sounds like an amazing dolphin show - ocean magic. Those beautiful ...