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Week Six: The Final Week on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp
Author: Sebastian DiGeronimoHost Vessel: R/V Hugh R. Sharp
Hello all,
The last full week of being out on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp, what a wonderful time it was. This was probably the easiest time for me with mostly demobilization and remobilization for a one-day cruise with the Office of Naval Research. The plan was to deploy four bottom mounts and one line of small sensors, then finally a few days to enjoy Delaware for all its flat glory.
For Sunday, we arrived to Lewes around 0500, but since we got in when it was low tide, we couldn’t go into the channel until 0700. We were all just waiting ducks until the tide started to rise. The final tie off for the scallop trip finally ended. Since everyone was beat from the past few weeks, everyone tried to leave early to get some actual sleep in their beds and rest up for a demobilization and remobilization for a two-day cruise working with the Office of Naval Research. The boat was tied off in an easier fashion due to the nature of having lines on the dock instead of throwing them overboard. By 1200, the majority of the crew had left. All we ended up completing was removing trash. Tomorrow will be a hard day.
We ended up with Christian later that night where he showed us around Rehoboth, DE. WE had some food a one of the restaurants and went back to the ship for an early 0700 morning. An early day to sleep at last.
For Monday, an early morning to get all the large equipment off the deck and a few items onto the deck. We started around 0700 where we started with removing the sorting table, dredge ramp, HABCAM ramp, and HABCAM tracks. This part was mostly easy; we just needed to hook up lifting straps to the crane and move it to the shore where one of the shore-support would get the forklift move the items back to their spots. We spend a good few hours removing these large items. The last major removal was the laboratory van which was a little bit more involved due to a rigid metal lifting harness needed to be attached to the crane and then lifted to the van. We had to get on top of the van to attach the metal harness to van and off went the van. Next was washing the deck with ‘on-off rust remover’ to remove the rust that had built up being at sea. While I was working on that, a few guys removed the port side winch block as it was not going to be used for the next cruise with the Office of Naval Research
After everything that could be taken off was, now its time to add some gear to the deck. We added a Zodiac type boat, as they call it a NAZ (not a zodiac) back to the 01 deck where it normally is; we added a huge 7200 pound winch to the center of the deck; we added a couple of cleats near the A-frame and the rails back to the port side of the deck; and we added a few counter weights as the winch was shifting the boat a little to starboard. All was easily done with the crane, a few lifting straps, shackles, and a tag line or two. We secured all the items with either bolts or rachet straps. By this time the science team had arrived, but they were working in the low bay in the operations building to work on getting their two spider bottom mounts and two larger platform bottom mounts ready for deployment on Wednesday. This was basically the end of our day as well because we got most everything done.
Later that day, the cook, Hunter, took Shaun, Huxley and I to Dewey Beach to show us the little beach town. It was an interesting place that reminded be of a smaller Jersey Shore. Beaches and restaurants all around. Unfortunately, it started to rain a few hours in, and we ended up leaving back to the ship. I was able to get a good night sleep to keep getting ready for tomorrow.
For Tuesday, another early morning at 0700, a great time to wake up with so much time having to finally sleep. After breakfast, Christian gave Shaun and I news that we needed to get the multibeam set up and installed before we leave tonight as it was a last-minute addition to the cruise plan. The multibeam was stored in a cargo container, but it wasn’t clean since they removed it, so a lot of TLC was needed before it was ready to be used. We also needed to take out one of the unused pods currently in the keel to put it in its place. Christian and Tim Deering were showing me the tricks of the trade to clean it off. I was using wooden dowels to scrap off the buildup of mud and barnacles. They did this because it was a soft and wouldn’t scratch the transducers. I will tell you; it took many hours of cleaning because they were satisfied with it. We also had to replace a couple zinc plates and rinse with water. Once it was cleaned, the other trick they told me to use for anti-fouling was vacuum grease and cayenne pepper. Tim told me fishermen used to use this for anti-fouling as paint cost too much as the time. Once greased up, we were good to move it to the ship. All the while, Shaun had been removing the metal grate that holds the pod in place in the keel so that it could be removed with the crane. First, lunch with sandwiches from the local sandwich shop. As soon as got done, we got the old empty keel pod out by Christian and Shaun going in the keel and hooking up to the crane. Huxley and I were guiding it out as the crane operator rose it up. A line was tied to it and we guided it back to shore where it was placed on the forklift. Next, we lifted the multibeam pod and placed it into the keel. This time I went down to put and tighten the grate. Then we ran the cable through the passage and into the dry-lab where we hooked it up to the computer. We finally got it all hooked up and it was ready to go. Most of the crew had left at this point, but soon the science team would start loading all their gear. All we needed was a forklift driver, a crane operator and Shaun, Huxley and I. We started with the gravity corer attached to a wooden frame, then the two spider bottom mounts, an hour later the two platform bottom mounts. We talked with the science team on how to secure all them down, then we went at it. A few large containers were added, and everything was on board. The plan was to leave at 2000 and start the next day at 0500. The crew came back around 1900 and we started off. Since all the deployments were during the day, Christian, Shaun, Huxley and I went to bed shortly after.
For Wednesday, another early morning at 0500 this morning. We were getting ourselves ready before the science team wake up. The game place was to deploy a platform, then a spider, then a platform and lastly a spider. Before each deployment we would do a corer sample to make sure we at an acceptable location and deploy. After everything is in, we will do a little multibeam over the sites and back to Lewes.
The first deployment of the platform was pretty quick. After we had to core sample finished, we used the winch to and four tag lines to inch it close to the transom until right at station. The science team had rigged up a removal compass to adjust the direction of the platform once in the water. Ever so slightly, they inched it closer with four men on the tag lines. It went over without any problems. It did take some time to get the compass right as the current and the boat made it a bit difficult. A couple of surface floats were laid out and the first site was done. Next was a spider which was easily moved into position by five men. We had to rig up two shackles to the side of the A-frame to get a line around the spider to lower it into the water easily, this was done pretty easily with two people on the spider to stabilize it. The first one went in without a problem, we adjusted its direction and it went in without a problem. Lunch time was shortly after then the last two. Another core sample was taken and another platform was released into the water. Again pretty quick and easy. The last spider was set in as well a little while later without an issue and we were done with everything on deck. The final task was the multibeam.
They had one of their personnel working on the multibeam, but she hadn’t used it in some time and our crew was not fully familiar with the system. I spent much time watching her figure out how to set up the system, get a base map, plot points, and figure out what was needed for the calibration test. Roll, pitch and yaw we needed to be calibrated using flat points in the water with two lines going in opposite directions for each variable. Once she figured out good points, we get the boat driver geared up to follow transect lines and we off. It took a good three hours before getting to this point, but only one and half hours was needed to actually perform the passes. Once we made multiple passes across the transect line for the bottom mount sites and calibration, we set for Lewes. By 2000, all was said and done back at the dock and ready for bed.
For Thursday, the demobilization was a quick one today, with mostly just the bins and corer needing to be removed from the deck. This took maybe two hours and our day was over. All the science team were quick to leave by 0900 and my time aboard the Hugh R. Sharp was basically over. No more work was going to be getting done as the crew was taking a short vacation after being out at sea for so long.
I spend the last few days in Delaware going around with Christian to show me the sights. I saw downtown Lewes with a few restaurants, but mostly I hung out with the graduate students for the University of Delaware. I talked with them about their projects and the type of work they were doing. By Monday morning, I was back in Florida and ready to take on the next part of my life. The last few days were quick, but unfortunately not much occurred after all the work was done for. I had to prep for a cruise with the Ocean Circulation Lab at the USF College of Marine Science so much time was spent getting all my needed paperwork for that.
This had been an amazing experience, with lost of meeting of people and learning much about being a marine technician. I think I want to pursue a master’s degree after being a part of all this from talking with the different scientist involved. Here comes my next phase!
A bittersweet time to leave. I had too much fun and worked extremely hard to learn what it takes to be a marine technician. I found my enjoyment of all the tasks at hand, but I feel a strong pull in specializing with a master’s degree. I definitely loved doing the work, but I’m feeling very motivated from all these experiences to keep it going and get a higher education degree in oceanography. I want to be out at sea and collecting data for my own research projects. I am definitely more affective when being on deck and collecting data, so I should use this experience to continue that for whatever I get into with it. I’m super appreciate for every opportunity I got in this; I really felt like part of the crew when I was here. Time to get myself in gear and get to grad school! Thanks for everything Christian, Huxley, Tim D., Tim N, Andy, Chuck, Hunter, Pam, Chris, Casey, Jimmy, Joe, and all the science team. I will never forget this and will continue to strive for greatness.
-Sebastian D.
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August 2024
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May 2024
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April 2024
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March 2024
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February 2024
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January 2024
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December 2023
Week 0: Sarah Gisler - 12/22/2023November 2023
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Week 6: The Buoy - 11/12/2023
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Week 4: Big To-Do List - 11/03/2023
Week 4: Oxygen and the RV Kilo Moana - 11/03/2023
October 2023
Weeks 3 and 4: Transit and Arrival North of the Equator 66.5°N - 10/29/2023Week 3: RVTEC and biogeochemical sample analysis - 10/29/2023
Week 3: Conference and Calcium Carbonate - 10/27/2023
1st & 2nd week at WHOI - 10/22/2023
Week 2: Processing, splicing, and maintaining - 10/21/2023
Week 2: Technically Speaking - 10/20/2023
Week 2: Aleutian Island Adventures - 10/15/2023
Week 1: Working at sea is HOT (Hawaii Ocean Time-series) - 10/13/2023
Week 1: R/V Kilo Moana, HOT 345 - 10/12/2023
Week 1: Getting to the Boat, Voyage from Nome to Dutch Harbor - 10/08/2023
Week 0: Introduction - 10/04/2023
Week 0: Pre-Internship Introduction - 10/02/2023
September 2023
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9th week with JASON/WHOI - 09/04/2023
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August 2023
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Week 1: Atlantic Explorer - 08/26/2023
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Week 0 R/V Neil Armstrong: Intern Introduction - 08/19/2023
Intern Introduction - 08/18/2023
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Week 4: Distinguished Visitors + Transit to Astoria, Or. - 08/08/2023
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Langseth take 2: Week 2 - 08/05/2023
Week 1: Arrival and starting Jason Ops - 08/04/2023
Week 3 on the Langseth - 08/04/2023
Week 3 - We finished a science cruise!! - 08/02/2023
July 2023
Week 2 on the Langseth - 07/27/2023Langseth take 2: Week 1 - 07/23/2023
3rd Week with JASON - 07/23/2023
Intern Introduction - 07/21/2023
Week 1 on the Langseth - 07/20/2023
Week 1- Working w/ Alvin Sub & Science Party - 07/19/2023
2nd week with WHOI - 07/16/2023
Day 0: Before boarding the Langseth - 07/13/2023
Let the adventure begin! Week 1 with WHOI - 07/09/2023
Intern Introduction - 07/05/2023
June 2023
Week 4: C'est la vie - 06/30/2023Intern Introdution - Mija Wheeler - 06/23/2023
Week 3: OBS's everywhere - 06/23/2023
Week Six - Back in Lewes - 06/20/2023
Week 4 & 5 - 06/16/2023
Week 2: Gravity brought me down - 06/15/2023
Week Five - Departure - 06/12/2023
Week 1: There Will Be Mud - 06/08/2023
Hello Bermuda- Week Three - 06/03/2023
May 2023
WEEKS 2-3 ON THE R/V LANGSETH - 05/31/2023Week Three - Breaker Fixed - 05/30/2023
Hello Bermuda- Week Two - 05/27/2023
Intern Introduction - 05/25/2023
WEEKS 1-2 on the R/V Langseth - 05/24/2023
Week Two - Still Stuck in Lewes - 05/22/2023
Hello Bermuda-Week One - 05/20/2023
Week One - Stuck at port - 05/16/2023
2023 Long Term Internship! - 05/11/2023
Intern Introduction - 05/08/2023
Week 5: HYDRO, Mooring, and Goodbye! - 05/07/2023
Hello Bermuda - 05/02/2023
Introduction - 05/02/2023
Week 4: Coding, Coding, and more Coding - 05/01/2023
April 2023
Introduction: Harpoon Seabring - 04/29/2023Week 3: Ship tasks, cruises, and Maintenance Docked - 04/24/2023
Introduction - 04/17/2023
Week 2: BATS Cruise and CTD's - 04/16/2023
Week 1: Flight Delay, CTD, Pumps, and Easter Break - 04/09/2023
Pre-Departure Introduction - 04/01/2023
December 2022
Week 8: Final Week aboard the Armstrong! - 12/16/2022Week 7: INSURV - 12/10/2022
Week 6: Inspections, 3D prints and CTD Terminations! - 12/03/2022
November 2022
Week 5: End of OOI and Happy Thanksgiving! - 11/27/2022Week 4: Finishing OOI Leg 1, Jumping straight into Leg 2! - 11/18/2022
Week 3: Leg 1 of the Final Coastal Pioneer Array OOI Cruise - 11/11/2022
Week 2: Terminations Terminations Terminations! - 11/04/2022
October 2022
Week 1: CTD lanyards, Linux, Mario Kart, Oh Yea! - 10/28/2022Pre- Internship stop in Iceland - 10/21/2022
Pre-Internship Introduction - 10/14/2022
September 2022
Walton Smith Week 16: Finishing running cable, closing the RoxBox, replacing sensors, and .322 terminations - 09/05/2022Week 15: Beginnings and Ends, Establishing a Network - 09/01/2022
August 2022
Walton Smith Week 15: Running cables, creating terminations, replacing sensors, and learning lots more! - 08/29/2022Week 14: In the Tween Deck, Wires, Terminations, Deconstructing and Reassembling CTD - 08/27/2022
Walton Smith Week 14: Final Engine install and dressing as well as side quests - 08/22/2022
Week 13: Getting the starboard engine onboard and mounted - 08/21/2022
Walton Smith Week 13: Cleaning bilges, mounting the port engine, and dressing it - 08/15/2022
Week 12: Bilges, Engine Mounts, and Rox Box Struggles - 08/12/2022
Week 7 - Syenna Graham - 08/11/2022
Walton Smith Week 12: Cleaning bilges and placing the engine onboard - 08/08/2022
Week 11: Forklifts, A-frames, Cranes, and a Big Ol' Engine - 08/06/2022
Week 6 - Syenna Graham - 08/04/2022
Walton Smith Week 11: Removal of the engine mounts and cleaning the bilge - 08/01/2022
July 2022
Week 10: Cleaning Bilges, Mounting Wifi, Running Cable - 07/29/2022Week 5 - Syenna Graham - 07/28/2022
Walton Smith Week 10: Removal of the engines - 07/25/2022
Week 9: Successfully Removing Both Engines - 07/24/2022
Week 4 - Syenna Graham - 07/21/2022
Walton Smith Week 9: Disassembling the engine - 07/18/2022
Week 8: Deconstructing the Port Side Engine - 07/14/2022
Week 3 - Syenna Graham - 07/14/2022
Walton Smith Week 8: Starting the engine project and improving our Wi-Fi - 07/11/2022
Week 7: POSMV, Wifi, and Welding - 07/07/2022
Walton Smith Week 7: Diving into individual jobs and ending the week on a good note - 07/04/2022
Last week with WHOI-JASON team! - 07/01/2022
Week 2 - Syenna Graham - 07/01/2022
June 2022
Week 6: Taking on projects making an A/C unit and step, while deconstructing the CTD - 06/30/2022Walton Smith Week 6: Lots of Good Memories and and Learning More - 06/27/2022
5th Week with JASON - 06/24/2022
Week 5: Removing Erroneous Electronic Components, Replacing A/C Units, and Fighting Ants - 06/23/2022
R/V Sharp week 4 - 06/23/2022
Week 1 - Syenna Graham - 06/21/2022
Walton Smith Week 5: Lots of poop (human and rodent, as well as grey water) but finished off on a good note - 06/20/2022
Last week on the Escanaba Cruise - 06/16/2022
Week 4: Making connections to the Network and Plumbing Projects - 06/16/2022
Week 4 R/V Sharp - 06/15/2022
Introduction - Syenna Graham - 06/14/2022
Walton Smith Week 4: Completing many jobs for the Marine Tech, Chief Engineer, and Bos'n - 06/13/2022
3rd Week with JASON - 06/11/2022
Week 3: Learning Network Infrastructure, Data Acquisition, and Working on Small Projects - 06/09/2022
Walton Smith Week 3: Learning about networking and completing jobs around the ship - 06/06/2022
Week 3 R/V Sharp - 06/05/2022
2nd week with WHOI - 06/04/2022
Week 2: Prepping for engine overhaul F.G. Walton Smith - 06/02/2022
May 2022
WEEK 3: R/V Sharp - 05/31/2022Week 2 R/V Sharp - 05/30/2022
Walton Smith Week 2: Finishing the second cruise - 05/30/2022
First week with the JASON team - 05/27/2022
Week 1: First Trip with the F.G. Walton Smith - 05/26/2022
WEEK 2: R/V Sharp - 05/24/2022
Walton Smith Week 1: Arrival and first cruises - 05/23/2022
Preparing to venture out! - 05/20/2022
Week 1 R/V Sharp - 05/19/2022
Week 1 R/V Sharp - 05/19/2022
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 05/16/2022
Introduction - 05/12/2022
Introduction - 05/10/2022
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 05/05/2022
April 2022
Leg 2 of OOI Pioneer 18 and Internship Conclusion - 04/30/2022Excitement from Leg 1 of OOI Pioneer 18 - 04/19/2022
Week 2: Time in Port and Beginning of OOI Pioneer 18 - 04/11/2022
Week 1: First Cruise - 04/04/2022
March 2022
Pre-internship: Introduction - 03/22/2022February 2022
Week 7: The End - 02/26/2022Working on the RV Sikuliaq - some pics - 02/17/2022
Week 6: Setting Sail - 02/15/2022
Week 5: Finally Floating - 02/09/2022
Week 4: Drydock part two: Electric Boogaloo - 02/02/2022
January 2022
Week 3: Drydock part one - 01/24/2022Week 2: Stormy Seas - 01/14/2022
First Week(kind of): Alaska - 01/05/2022
December 2021
Pre-Internship Intro Blog - 12/29/2021September 2021
Weeks 10 and 11 - 09/17/2021Week 9: Loading Alvin - 09/08/2021
Week 8 - 09/01/2021
August 2021
Day 38 - 08/19/2021Week 5 with Alvin - 08/11/2021
Week 5: Arrival - 08/11/2021
Week 6 - 08/11/2021
Day 28 - 08/09/2021
Week 4: To and Through the Panama Canal - 08/06/2021
Day 23 - 08/04/2021
Week 4 with the Alvin team - 08/03/2021
3rd Week at Sea (In Route to Panama) - 08/02/2021
Week 3: A Sweaty Set Up - 08/01/2021
July 2021
Weeks 2 and 3: Electrical Testing - 07/30/2021Day 18 - 07/30/2021
2nd Week at Sea (Anacortes, WA to SF, CA) - 07/26/2021
Week 2: Methane Seeps! - 07/25/2021
Day 12 - 07/24/2021
1st Week at Sea - 07/18/2021
Day 5 - 07/17/2021
Week 1 of My Internship - 07/14/2021
Week 1: Predeparture - 07/12/2021
Introduction - 07/11/2021
Getting Ready to Fly Out - 07/05/2021
Sailing off on a New Horizon - 07/01/2021
December 2020
Week 35 & 36: On The Walton Smith - 12/11/2020Week 45: Wrapping things up - 12/11/2020
Week 44: Soldering Penetrators - 12/04/2020
November 2020
Week 43: Cleaning and Holidays - 11/27/2020Week 42: Video Killed the Video Hub? - 11/20/2020
Week 41: Messy Work - 11/13/2020
Week 40: In the Ring - 11/06/2020
Week 34: On The Walton Smith - 11/02/2020
October 2020
Week 39: Some of the Pieces Come Together - 10/30/2020Week 38: Verification and Inventory - 10/23/2020
Week 37: More Moving and Wires - 10/16/2020
Week 33: On The Walton Smith - 10/12/2020
Week 36: Circuit Board Soldering - 10/09/2020
Week 32: On The Walton Smith - 10/05/2020
Week 35: Soldering work - 10/02/2020
September 2020
Week 31: On The Walton Smith - 09/28/2020Week 34: Headphones and Loud Noises - 09/25/2020
Week 30: On The Walton Smith - 09/21/2020
Week 33: Circuits! - 09/18/2020
Week 29: On The Walton Smith - 09/14/2020
Week 32: Running in Circles with Motor Controllers - 09/11/2020
Week 28: On The Walton Smith - 09/09/2020
Week 31: Simulating Alvin - 09/04/2020
Week 27: On The Walton Smith - 09/02/2020
August 2020
Week 30: Under Pressure - 08/28/2020Week 26: On The Walton Smith - 08/24/2020
Week 29: Soldering in Circles - 08/21/2020
Week 25: On The Walton Smith - 08/18/2020
Week 28: Smaller Disassembly - 08/14/2020
Week 27: Fail to Pass - 08/07/2020
Week 24: On The Walton Smith - 08/07/2020
Week 23: On The Walton Smith - 08/06/2020
Week 22: On The Walton Smith - 08/05/2020
July 2020
Week 26: Real Work with Real Problems - 07/31/2020Week 25: Start and Stop - 07/24/2020
Week 24: Fuses and Writing - 07/17/2020
Week 21: On The Walton Smith - 07/14/2020
Week 20: On the Walton Smith - 07/13/2020
Week 23:Keep on Working - 07/10/2020
Week 22: Starting Maintenance Projects - 07/03/2020
Week 18-19: On the Walton Smith - 07/03/2020
June 2020
Week 21: Preparing the Shop - 06/26/2020Week 20: Life without Alvin - 06/19/2020
Week 17: On the Walton Smith - 06/16/2020
Week 16: On the Walton Smith - 06/12/2020
Week 19: Alvin? What Alvin? - 06/12/2020
Week 18: Very Little Sub Left - 06/05/2020
Week 15: On the Walton Smith - 06/03/2020
May 2020
Week 17: Continued Alvin Deconstruction - 05/29/2020Week 14: On the Walton Smith - 05/27/2020
Week 16: Barely There Alvin - 05/22/2020
Week 13: On the Walton Smith - 05/20/2020
Week 15: Alvin Insides - 05/16/2020
Week 12: On the walton smith - 05/13/2020
Week 14: Return to Work - 05/09/2020
Week 11: On the walton smith - 05/06/2020
Week 13: Read On - 05/03/2020
April 2020
Week 10: On the walton smith - 04/29/2020Week 12: The Reading Continues - 04/26/2020
Week 9: On the walton smith - 04/22/2020
Week 11: More Reading - 04/19/2020
Week 8: On the walton smith - 04/14/2020
Week 10: Continued At Home Reading - 04/12/2020
Week 7: Saying Goodbye - 04/10/2020
Weeks 6 & 7: On The Walton Smith - 04/07/2020
Week 9: At Home Research - 04/05/2020
March 2020
Week 6: Heading Home - 03/30/2020Week 8: On Ship, Off Ship - 03/29/2020
Week 7: The Alvin Has Landed - 03/22/2020
Week 5: Changing out an Antenna - 03/22/2020
Week 5: Thinking Mud, Part II - 03/21/2020
Week 4: On the Walton smith - 03/16/2020
Week 6: Finishing Up At Sea - 03/15/2020
Week 2: Constant Change - 03/14/2020
Week 3: Preparing For Haul Out - 03/11/2020
Week 2: First time out - 03/10/2020
Weeks 3&4: Thinking Mud - 03/10/2020
Week 5: Smooth Seas Do Not Make Skillful Sailors - 03/08/2020
Week 1: Welcome to Bermuda - 03/07/2020
Week 4: Work, Work, Work - 03/01/2020
February 2020
Week 2: Barbados - 02/26/2020Week 1: Arrived at the Walton Smith - 02/24/2020
Week 3: Out and Back Again - 02/23/2020
Pre Cruise Introduction - 02/19/2020
Week 1: Aboard the Endeavor and off to Barbados - 02/17/2020
Week 2: Finally Underway - 02/16/2020
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 02/10/2020
Week 1: On board (kinda) - 02/09/2020
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 02/03/2020
Pre-Cruise Introduction - 02/01/2020
November 2019
Week 10: Homeward Bound - 11/02/2019October 2019
Week 8: Conte Cruise - 10/31/2019Week 9: Gulf of Alaska - 10/26/2019
Week 7: Second BATS Cruise - 10/24/2019
Week 8: Port Call - 10/19/2019
Week 6: Wilhelm Cruise - 10/17/2019
Week 7: Sea Gliders - 10/12/2019
Week 5: Return to Bermuda - 10/10/2019
Week 6: Marginal Ice Zone - 10/05/2019
Week 4: BATSVAL Cruise and Puerto Rico - 10/03/2019
September 2019
Week 5: Back to Beaufort Sea - 09/28/2019Week 3: Port Days - 09/26/2019
Week 4: Ice Station - 09/20/2019
Week 2: Humberto - 09/19/2019
Week 3: Sea Ice - 09/13/2019
Week 1: First Cruise - 09/12/2019
Week 2: Bering Sea - 09/07/2019
Week 16 - 09/05/2019
Test Blog - Preparation and Arrival - 09/04/2019
End of Internship - 09/04/2019
Last Cruise aboard the RV Atlantic Explorer - 09/01/2019
August 2019
Week 1: Dutch Harbor - 08/31/2019So Long Reykjanes Ridge - 08/30/2019
FINAL WEEK on Healy- no longer an Iceworm - 08/26/2019
Last Multiple Day Cruise - 08/25/2019
Week 14 - 08/24/2019
Week 4 on Healy - Near the end of HLY1901 - 08/19/2019
Week 4 On the Healy - 08/19/2019
Second to Last Cruise - 08/18/2019
Week 11 - 08/13/2019
Week 3 on Healy - HLY1901 - 08/12/2019
Roughest weather since I've been in Bermuda - 08/11/2019
Week 3 on the Healy-First week of science - 08/11/2019
Week 2 on Healy - Kodiak to Nome and Science - 08/06/2019
Holiday in Bermuda - 08/04/2019
Week 2 on Healy - 08/04/2019
July 2019
Week 10 - 07/31/2019First Blog Post - 07/30/2019
Week 1 on Healy - Seattle to Kodiak - 07/29/2019
Week 1 Healy - 07/29/2019
NSF Inspection - 07/28/2019
Modern life at sea - 07/24/2019
Sweet somber sailing - 07/22/2019
Bermuda Atlantic Time Series Study - 07/21/2019
Learning From Different Perspectives - 07/21/2019
Introduction - 07/20/2019
Birthday on Board - 07/16/2019
Pre-Internship Introduction - 07/16/2019
XBT gonna give it to ya - 07/15/2019
Week 9 - 07/15/2019
Always Saying Yes to Learning Experiences - 07/14/2019
First Week in Bermuda - 07/14/2019
The speed of sound - 07/11/2019
Week 2, What to Do - 07/08/2019
Week 2 - Ping it on - 07/08/2019
Reality on a research vessel - 07/04/2019
The Midnight Sun Has Set on Week 1 - 07/02/2019
Week 1 in the N. Atlantic - 07/01/2019
June 2019
Orienting ourselves on an ocean mapping cruise - 06/24/2019Week Six: The Final Week on the R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 06/24/2019
Pre-Cruise: Preparing for a Month Under the Icelandic Midnight Sun - 06/23/2019
Don't mind if I do... - 06/21/2019
Week 7 - 06/19/2019
Week Five: The Last Week of the Scallop Survey - 06/15/2019
Week 5 - This is how the survey ends - 06/15/2019
Week Four: Lost in the Abyss - 06/08/2019
Week 5 - 06/05/2019
Week Three: Eat. Sleep. Dredge. Repeat - 06/01/2019
May 2019
Week 4 - 05/29/2019Week 2 - Scallop Survey Shuffle - 05/28/2019
Week Two: Endless HABCAM - 05/25/2019
Week 3 - 05/22/2019
Week One- The Beginning - 05/18/2019
Happy HABCAM'ing - 05/18/2019
Week 2 - 05/15/2019
Pre-Intern - 05/11/2019
Pre-cruise test - 05/10/2019
Week 1 - 05/08/2019
November 2018
Week 5: All Good Things Must Come to an End - 11/23/2018Week 4: As the Sun Sets, Winter Awakes. - 11/16/2018
Week 3: Pancakes, Polynyas, and Polar Bears - 11/09/2018
Week 2: Shoot for the STARcS - 11/02/2018
7. Time to Say Goodbye - 11/01/2018
October 2018
Week 1: Up up up and Underway - 10/26/20186. CLIO is on Board - 10/25/2018
Week Five: Inport Dutch Harbor - 10/20/2018
Week Four: Finishing Science Ops and Steaming Towards Dutch - 10/13/2018
Final Week: Full-Circle Reflection - 10/13/2018
5. Back in Bermuda - 10/12/2018
Preparing for an High Arctic Expedition - 10/11/2018
Week Three:80 degrees north - 10/06/2018
4. Arrival in Puerto Rico - 10/05/2018
September 2018
Week Two: The Start of the SODA Moorings. - 09/29/20183. En Route to Puerto Rico - 09/28/2018
Week Twenty-Two: Part of Something Big - 09/23/2018
Week One: Underway from Dutch Harbor and into the realm of the Arctic Circle - 09/22/2018
2. Arrival, but no boat - 09/22/2018
Week Twenty-One: Hello, Old Friend - 09/17/2018
1. Time for an Adventure - 09/14/2018
Pre-Internship Healy 1802 - 09/12/2018
5: The turn of the tide - 09/09/2018
Week Twenty: Last Days In Alaska - 09/09/2018
4 My Final Week with the Alvin Group Aboard the Atlantis - 09/05/2018
Week Nineteen: Aleutian Appreciation - 09/02/2018
August 2018
3 First Week at Sea with the Alvin Group - 08/29/2018Week 3: Ahhh-tlantis - 08/27/2018
4: Into the abyss - 08/26/2018
Week Eighteen: To-Do List - 08/26/2018
Week Seventeen: Staying Cool Under Pressure - 08/20/2018
3: Across the horizon - 08/20/2018
2 Preparation for the Atlantis/Alvin Cruise - 08/20/2018
Week 2: Leaving Land - 08/18/2018
Week 1- On board R/V Atlantis - 08/13/2018
1 Aboard the R/V Atlantis with the Alvin Group - 08/13/2018
2: New beginnings - 08/13/2018
Week Sixteen: Arctic Chill - 08/12/2018
Week Fifteen: Iceworm no Longer - 08/05/2018
1: From one boat to another - 08/05/2018
Anticipating Alvin - 08/03/2018
July 2018
Week Fourteen: Cruising to Kodiak - 07/30/2018Week Thirteen: 47deg N at 85deg F - 07/23/2018
0 Pre-Internship Post: R/V Atlantis - 07/23/2018
Challenging Myself - 07/17/2018
Week 2-aka Last Week at BIOS - 07/15/2018
Week 1-Into the Bermuda Triangle - 07/08/2018
Week Twelve: Troubleshooting - 07/08/2018
Week 1-Into the Bermuda Triangle! - 07/08/2018
Week Eleven: Spruce and Sea Spray - 07/02/2018
June 2018
Pre-Internship Blog Post - 06/29/2018There and Back Again - 06/25/2018
Week Ten: The Quick Turnaround - 06/24/2018
R/V Atlantic Explorer Week 2 - 06/22/2018
Stateside - 06/21/2018
Week Nine: Science and Salvage - 06/17/2018
All Hands On Deck - 06/14/2018
The HABCAM Returns - 06/12/2018
Week Eight: Night Fishing - 06/11/2018
Smooth Seas and Proper Preparation - 06/04/2018
Week Seven: Dirt Don't Hurt - 06/03/2018
May 2018
Higher Latitudes, Lower Temperatures - 05/30/2018Ready to Depart! - 05/29/2018
Week Six: At the Dock - 05/28/2018
Wait it's only been a week? - 05/22/2018
Week Five: Hit Ground and Run - 05/20/2018
Week Four: Countdown to Reykjavik - 05/14/2018
Ready to Depart - 05/13/2018
Week Three: Transit to Iceland - 05/06/2018
April 2018
Week Two: A Return to the Day Shift - 04/29/2018Week One: Rough Seas - 04/22/2018
Arrival - 04/14/2018
November 2017
USCGC Healy - Final Week - 11/19/2017USCGC Healy - Slide into Seward - 11/12/2017
USCGC Healy - Happy Healy-ween! - 11/05/2017
October 2017
USCGC Healy - Science and Seinfeld - 10/29/2017USCGC Healy - Getting Started - 10/22/2017
Saying Goodbye - 10/13/2017
I'm going to name my dog, Niskin! - 10/10/2017
USCGC Healy - Internship Starting Next Week! - 10/08/2017
Don't tell the bears, I'm stuck! - 10/02/2017
Leaving for Puerto Rico- Did I mention Hurricane Maria JUST passed? - 10/01/2017
September 2017
Nature's Discotech - 09/25/2017Cruisin' to the Big City - 09/24/2017
Everyone's grows up sometimes: Holding my own shift - 09/17/2017
Preparing to go meet USCGC Healy - 09/16/2017
Week 3 Aboard the USCGC Healy - 09/12/2017
Storms, Cruise Prep and my First Milli-Q Installation - 09/10/2017
Week 2 Aboard the USCGC Healy - 09/05/2017
Week 5.286 Aboard the Armstrong - 09/04/2017
I've been suspended from a crane! - 09/03/2017
Week 4: Adieu Atlantis - 09/02/2017
Week 5 Aboard the Armstrong - 09/01/2017
August 2017
Week 1 Aboard the USCGC Healy - 08/29/2017Surprise Mooring Cruise - 08/27/2017
Pictures Galore! - 08/25/2017
Week 4 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/25/2017
BATS: Round Two! - 08/20/2017
Week 3 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/18/2017
Pre-Internship USCGC Healy - 08/17/2017
A Welcome Return from Canada - 08/13/2017
Week 3 Aboard the Walton Smith: Everglades, waterways, and CTDs - 08/12/2017
Week 2 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/11/2017
From Bermuda to Halifax, Canada - 08/06/2017
Week 1 Aboard the Armstrong - 08/04/2017
July 2017
Week 2 Aboard the Walton Smith: Tucker Trawls, Shrimp, and Bioluminescence - 07/30/2017On shore in Bermuda - 07/28/2017
Week 1 Aboard the Walton Smith: Knots, Navigation, and CTDs - 07/23/2017
A Welcoming Arrival and First Cruise in Bermuda - 07/21/2017
Before I Set Sail - 07/18/2017
Week 4 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 07/17/2017
Before the internship aboard the F.G Walton Smith - 07/16/2017
Home and an Awaiting Adventure in Bermuda - 07/14/2017
Week 3 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 07/09/2017
Week 2 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 07/03/2017
June 2017
Reflections and my Final Trip on the Pelican - 06/30/2017Week 1 on the F. G. Walton Smith - 06/25/2017
Final Two Weeks: Hurricane Season - 06/22/2017
Week Five: We're on the move - 06/20/2017
Week Five on the R/V Sharp - 06/17/2017
A New Vessel in Mississippi - 06/15/2017
Week 4 -the beginning of the engineering cruse- - 06/14/2017
Florida on the R/V F. G. Walton Smith - 06/11/2017
Week Four on the R/V Sharp - 06/09/2017
Pictures from Scallop Leg 2 - 06/06/2017
Week three is a Little late - 06/06/2017
Beautiful Deep Sea Discoveries- Photos Galor, A MUST Read! - 06/06/2017
Week Three on R/V Sharp - 06/02/2017
May 2017
Deep Water Horizon, Shipwrecks and ROVS - 05/29/2017Its week two on board the Atlantis - 05/28/2017
Week 2 on R/V Sharp - 05/27/2017
Pictures from Scallop Leg 1 - 05/25/2017
First week with the R/V Atlantis - 05/23/2017
Big Wigs and Boat Celebrations in Baton Rouge - 05/22/2017
Week 1 on R/V Sharp - 05/19/2017
Preparation for Internship aboard R/V Atlantis - 05/15/2017
Docks and Landers in the Gulf - 05/15/2017
Getting Ready for my Internship on R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 05/10/2017
First Month Down - 05/08/2017
Mexico, Storms and Drones - 05/01/2017
April 2017
Week Two: The Sound of Pelicans and the Smell of New Orleans! - 04/22/2017Week 1: The Gulf of Mexico and Dolphins! - 04/13/2017
Almost on my Way! - 04/01/2017
October 2016
Conclusions on the R/V Sikuliaq - 10/12/2016September 2016
Sheets and Ice Sheets: Taking the Plunge - 09/16/2016Blog 6: Day 28 - The End in Sight - 09/11/2016
WEEK 9- Breakdown, Bottles and Bees - 09/10/2016
Blog 5: Day 26 - Pictures! - 09/09/2016
CTDs, Sea Ice and Polar Bears - 09/08/2016
Blog 4: Day 22 - White September - 09/05/2016
WEEK 8- Cable Termination, Nearing the End - 09/03/2016
August 2016
Transiting on the R/V Sikuliaq! - 08/30/2016Blog 3: Day 14 - Waiting out the ice - 08/28/2016
WEEK 7- An Unexpected Visit Home - 08/27/2016
Blog 2: Day 7 - I think I see Russia - 08/21/2016
WEEK 6- Alongside - 08/20/2016
Blog 1: Day 0 - Pre-internship post - 08/14/2016
Better late than never - 08/14/2016
WEEK 5- Canceled Cruises, Funeral For Our Fallen Brother - 08/13/2016
Return and Reflect - 08/10/2016
Week 4- Downtime and Tragedy - 08/08/2016
Week 3- South Florida Ecosystem Restoration Cruise - 08/03/2016
Moorings and Transit - 08/03/2016
July 2016
Creatures of the Pockmarks - 07/26/2016Pre-Internship on the R/V Sikuliaq! - 07/25/2016
Week 2-Bioluminescent Sea Creatures - 07/24/2016
Station to Station - 07/20/2016
Week 1 - 07/17/2016
Another successful cruise - 07/17/2016
Backing and Ramming - 07/11/2016
Pre-Internship Blog - 07/07/2016
R/V Sikuliaq Cruise Report - 07/07/2016
Holiday at Sea- Week 1 - 07/04/2016
Quiet times - 07/02/2016
Blog 3, Final - 07/01/2016
June 2016
Introduction and Anticipation - 06/27/2016Pre-Internship Blog Test - 06/26/2016
USCG Healy Internship - Post 2 - 06/24/2016
Week 5 Aboard the R/V Sharp - 06/20/2016
Pre-internship blog - 06/19/2016
BATS Cruise - 06/16/2016
Week 4 Aboard the R/V sharp - 06/14/2016
Back at it - 06/14/2016
Pre-Internship - Post 1 - 06/13/2016
Week 3 Aboard the R/V Sharp - 06/09/2016
Hydrostation Time! - 06/09/2016
The End or the Beginning? - 06/09/2016
A Quick Update - 06/04/2016
Week Three - Back at the Dock - 06/02/2016
Week 2 Aboard the R/V Sharp - 06/02/2016
A Slight Change of Plans - 06/01/2016
May 2016
Week 01 - 05/28/2016Week Two- Change of Plans - 05/26/2016
Week 1 - 05/22/2016
Pre-Internship - 05/22/2016
Land! - 05/20/2016
Week One in the Bermuda Triangle - 05/19/2016
Moving into sediment - 05/14/2016
Pre-Internship - 05/10/2016
Pre-Intern - 05/10/2016
Mapping Complete - 05/06/2016
Seafloor mapping out in the Pacific - 05/03/2016
April 2016
Transit - 04/17/2016Back at sea - 04/09/2016
Picture test - 04/09/2016
Stuck - 04/07/2016
March 2016
Busy busy busy - 03/26/2016Week 1 - 03/13/2016
Pre-internship - 03/02/2016
September 2015
The last few days on R/V Langseth - 09/12/2015Looking for freshwater - 09/06/2015
Week One: The Langseth is hard at work - 09/06/2015
August 2015
Week 4- The journey back - 08/28/2015Getting ready for the Langseth! - 08/25/2015
Week 3- Home stretch - 08/21/2015
The End - 08/19/2015
Week 2- Equipment - 08/15/2015
Multibeam/Coring Cruise - 08/13/2015
Week One- Getting acquainted - 08/07/2015
July 2015
Let The Science Begin - 07/31/2015I didn't blow up the ship! - 07/30/2015
My third and longest trip - 07/27/2015
New England Mud Patch - 07/23/2015
First 12 days on the Point Sur - 07/17/2015
Week 2 - From Port to the Deep Blue - 07/15/2015
Back to Corvallis - 07/14/2015
Searching for Deep Sea Prey - 07/09/2015
RV Langseth: Last blog post - 07/08/2015
Dreams do come true - 07/05/2015
First day aboard the RV Falkor - 07/05/2015
RV Langseth: Wrapping up Coverage - 07/03/2015
First Week at Sea - 07/02/2015
June 2015
End of a Chapter - 06/25/2015RV Langseth: Fishing gear - 06/24/2015
R/V Pelican- The End - 06/21/2015
After the Healy - 06/20/2015
Days of Dredging - 06/18/2015
RV Langseth: Mowin' the grass - 06/17/2015
R/V Pelican: Waiting on the Weather - 06/13/2015
Dredging, Whales, and the Last Leg - 06/11/2015
RV Langseth: Data Rolling in - 06/10/2015
RV Langseth: First week out at sea - 06/04/2015
Fun with Dredging - 06/04/2015
R/V Pelican- Almost there! - 06/04/2015
Quick update - 06/01/2015
May 2015
Transitions - 05/28/2015RV Langseth: First few days on the boat - 05/27/2015
Pre-Internship Hello - 05/22/2015
Week #1: Settling In - 05/21/2015
From parts to product - 05/20/2015
RV Langseth: Getting ready to go - 05/19/2015
Adios San Diego, Hola Portland! What we do while in transit … - 05/15/2015
Pre-Internship Excitement - 05/13/2015
Reflections - 05/08/2015
Best laid plans … - 05/01/2015
April 2015
Understanding Wire and Rope (Part 1) - Wire - 04/28/2015Oregon Coast Marine Life - 04/20/2015
Maintenance, Sampling and Catching (because anyone can fish) - 04/17/2015
Haze Gray (white) and Underway - 04/07/2015
Ocean Observatories Initiative Cruise - 04/03/2015
March 2015
3..2..1..Start - 03/24/2015La felia padrig (Happy St. Patty's Day) - 03/17/2015
October 2014
The End…for now - 10/13/2014September 2014
Cape Crusaders - 09/30/2014Our love/hate relationship with electronics - 09/25/2014
Looking Westward - 09/23/2014
Our favorite patch of ocean - 09/16/2014
Last Day - 09/12/2014
On my own - 09/11/2014
In all her glory - 09/09/2014
Irminger to Iceland - 09/02/2014
Let's do this! - 09/02/2014
August 2014
Apocalypse Now - 08/27/2014A picture is worth a thousand words - 08/27/2014
The R/V Oceanus marine tech team - 08/26/2014
Week Six- The End - 08/26/2014
Steaming west in the Labrador Sea - 08/25/2014
Hole in the hull - 08/21/2014
Week Five - 08/20/2014
R/V Knorr is in the Labrador Sea - 08/18/2014
Week Four - 08/15/2014
Castles in the sand - 08/15/2014
Last OBS cruise - 08/13/2014
2 down and another to go... - 08/11/2014
Working on the Irminger Sea - 08/10/2014
Reflections after the internship - 08/08/2014
Week Three- Not so many Thunderstorms - 08/06/2014
On the R/V Knorr - 08/05/2014
CTDs - 08/04/2014
Deploying OBSs - 08/03/2014
July 2014
Sea sickness under control - 07/31/2014Week Two- Good Bye Scallops, Hello Thunderstorms - 07/30/2014
The Final Post - 07/29/2014
Arrived to Dutch Harbor - 07/28/2014
Hi Seas Net: a frustrating mystery - 07/26/2014
5 days until Iceland - 07/26/2014
Observations and Ideas - 07/24/2014
Filtering Phytoplankton! - 07/23/2014
Internship begins - 07/22/2014
Week One-Scalloping - 07/21/2014
Adjusting - 07/18/2014
RVHRS Scallop Survey - Last Leg - 07/17/2014
On to the Healy and a Rescue in the Ice! - 07/15/2014
RVHRS Scallop Survey - Second Leg - 07/14/2014
First week onboard R/V Oceanus - 07/13/2014
Just finished preparing, ready to begin - 07/07/2014
Ready to Go - 07/07/2014
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end - 07/03/2014
June 2014
Third week on the Sharp - 06/30/2014RVHRS Scallop Survey - First Leg - 06/30/2014
Preparation for the Journey through Ice and Snow - 06/29/2014
IT WORKS!! - 06/27/2014
Second week on the Sharp - 06/16/2014
Preparations - 06/11/2014
Ocean Bottom Electromagnetic Receivers - 06/10/2014
First week aboard Sharp - 06/07/2014
Applying, packing, and travel - 06/06/2014
May 2014
Departing for My Internship! - 05/29/2014On Board the R/V Oceanus - 05/05/2014
April 2014
Manganese Mania - 04/30/2014End of my Thompson Hitch - 04/16/2014
No More MoorSPICE - 04/02/2014
March 2014
Solomon Seas with MoorSPICE - 03/19/2014Transit to New Caledonia - 03/05/2014
February 2014
End of the Wave Chasers Cruise - 02/19/2014Tow-Yo Troubles on the Thompson - 02/06/2014
January 2014
Gray Skies and Blue Marlin - 01/28/2014Let the Wave Chasing Commence! - 01/19/2014
Gearing up for 40 days with the WaveChasers - 01/13/2014
Samoa-Bound - 01/01/2014
November 2013
Special Thanks - 11/11/2013Some Science - 11/04/2013
1PPS and Dry Wells - 11/03/2013
October 2013
E/V Nautilus - 10/31/2013The Simple Things - 10/24/2013
Pictorial of the most epic rebuild - 10/14/2013
Team CTD - 10/13/2013
Back in the saddle again - 10/06/2013
Just the Beginning - 10/06/2013
September 2013
Time To Find Some Warm Socks - 09/28/2013It's the Final Countdown! - 09/11/2013
Icelandic Culinary Delights - 09/04/2013
Signing off E/V Nautilus: Michael Smith - 09/02/2013
Fun, Games, & a little bit of Science - 09/01/2013
Possibly more than you wanted to know about what we do - 09/01/2013
August 2013
From the Boston Tea Party to Tacos - 08/27/2013Getting More Dives Under My Belt - 08/26/2013
The Deep Blue - 08/20/2013
Settling in New New York - 08/19/2013
Multi-core-apalooza - 08/19/2013
My First Week at Sea - 08/16/2013
Signing off from the R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 08/16/2013
First Night Aboard RV Langseth - 08/14/2013
Welcome to Iceland - 08/12/2013
6 Months In - 08/11/2013
Incoming ROV Intern- Michael Smith - 08/08/2013
Checking in from the R/V Hugh R. Sharp - 08/02/2013
From Satellites to C-Nav - 08/01/2013
July 2013
Counting Down the Days - 07/22/2013R/V H.R. Sharp Fishing for Rocks - 07/17/2013
Trial by fire - 07/14/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Leaving the Boat - 07/10/2013
Watching Bubbles and dodging waves - 07/07/2013
R/V H.R. Sharp Georges Bank - 07/06/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Working in Port - 07/01/2013
June 2013
Hanging out in Davy Jones' livingroom - 06/28/2013R/V Marcus G. Langseth: BREAKing News - 06/25/2013
R/V H. Sharp: Scallop Photo Shoot and Shucking Party - 06/23/2013
Astoria Oregon... - 06/20/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: A Daily Routine on the Boat - 06/19/2013
R/V BLUE HERON-Duluth Minn./ Lake Superior - 06/17/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Working out the Kinks - 06/13/2013
The Panama Canal and so much more - 06/12/2013
R/V H. SHARP1: From the West to East - 06/10/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Collecting the Data - 06/08/2013
Oh what amazing sights we see - 06/05/2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: Letting out the Streamers - 06/04/2013
May 2013
R/V Marcus G. Langseth: An Explanation of How Stuff Works - 05/31/2013Bouncing around THE BAR - 05/31/2013
Staring into the Depths - 05/29/2013
Hard Days of Work - 05/27/2013
Leaving Town with Lasers - 05/24/2013
Whirlwind of Travel - 05/23/2013
Tyler Poppenwimer: R/V Marcus G. Langseth - 05/23/2013
Ship and Shop Maintenance - 05/17/2013
Wires, wires everywhere! - 05/14/2013
R/V Barnes Day trips and More - 05/10/2013
New Langseth Adventures! - 05/09/2013
The Sounds of Silence - 05/05/2013
The Journey Continues - 05/01/2013
In port - 05/01/2013
April 2013
Internal Waves and Whales - 04/24/2013Langseth Part II: The Mid-Atlantic - 04/21/2013
Northwest Bound - 04/17/2013
Exciting news from the Langseth! - 04/15/2013
Things never go as planned - 04/10/2013
R/V Marcus Langseth: The 2013 MATE Adventures - 04/05/2013
March 2013
Unexpected knowledge comes in handy - 03/25/2013Don't bight off more than you can chew. - 03/24/2013