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ESA Section 7 Consulta Support - Offshore Wind/Energy Projects
Company / Organization: Ocean Associates inc.
Pay Rate: experience based
Type: Full-time
City: Gloucester
State or Country if outside US: MA
Application Deadline: 01-Jul-22
Duration: Full time
TO APPLY VISIT: Ocean Associates Inc. (OAI) is seeking applicants for multiple full-time Environmental Specialist III positions to support the NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) Greater Atlantic Regional Fisheries Office (GARFO) Protected Resources Division (PRD). OAI is a Virginia corporation established in 2003 that provides consulting and technical services to the U.S. government, non-governmental organizations, international organizations, and the private sector. We specialize in scientific program and project management, strategic planning, professional and technical services and stakeholder engagement, supporting government contracts. Description: Technical assistance is needed to support the Protected Resources Division in carrying out tasks associated with consideration of the effects of offshore wind energy and other related resource development projects on ESA listed species, designated critical habitat, and the ecosystems on which these species depend. All Federal agencies must consult with NMFS when their action may affect a listed species or its designated critical habitat. Additionally, most major Federal actions are reviewed under the National Environmental Policy Act. This work will largely be guided by requirements of the ESA, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and NEPA. Tasks: Assist with the assessment of ongoing and new federal activities on listed species and critical habitat, focusing on energy development including offshore wind and hydropower and associated transmission systems. This work will largely be guided by requirements of the ESA, the Marine Mammal Protection Act, and NEPA. Tasks shall include developing white papers on particular topics determined to be necessary by the program to support analyses of effects of existing, emerging, and new technologies. This may involve collaboration and coordination with other NMFS staff, federal and state partners, researchers, and others. Assist in project review and preparation of documents to support required environmental analyses, including participation and support in meetings, conferences, and workshops as necessary. Also research best management practices designed to minimize and monitor effects of Federal actions on ESA listed species and critical habitat and develop white papers and recommendations for implementing those practices in the context of section 7 consultations. Assist in the development of comments on NEPA documents and preparation of analyses under NEPA and the ESA; this may include letters providing technical assistance, letters of concurrence, and sections of biological opinions. May also assist in reviewing the effects of hydropower licenses under the requirements of the Federal Power Act. Assist in compliance with regulatory and statutory deadlines and timelines including those dictated by the One Federal Decision and FAST-41 and related mandates frameworks. Start Date: Contingent on receiving the award for this contract. Location: Gloucester, MA; or a mutually agreed upon remote work site. Salary and Benefits: This is a full-time position, overtime is not anticipated. Salary is commensurate with experience. Comprehensive benefits package.
Required Knowledge and Experience: Bachelor's degree in an environmental science or associated discipline (e.g., biology, ecology, fisheries biology, marine biology, natural resource management, conservation biology, landscape ecology, or restoration ecology) Level 1: Minimum one (1) year of relevant experience, with up to seven years total relevant experience. Level 2: Minimum seven (7) years of relevant experience, with up to 14 years total relevant experience. If you are interested in being considered for this position, please APPLY THROUGH OUR ADP WEB PORTAL, AT THE LINK AT THE TOP RIGHT OF THIS PAGE. Only qualified applicants that meet minimum experience or background requirements stated above need apply. When applying for this position you will be asked to upload your resume at the end of this online application. Applicants should submit a resume that includes the following: Cover letter that briefly describes how you meet the required and preferred qualifications listed. Work history for past 10 years or since last full-time education. Education. Previous experience or training with similar requirements. Three professional references. Include your name in the document file name. Upload your resume in readable, not scanned, PDF or Word format (PDF is preferred).
Point of Contact: Recruitment