INTERNSHIPS & Scholarships
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Education Internship- Mote Marine Laboratory
Affiliation: non-MATE
Company / Organization: Marine Laboratory & Aquarium
City: Sarasota, FL
Application Deadline: 01-Mar-17
Mote offers a variety of internship opportunities for undergraduate/graduate students and recent college graduates interested in a career in the ocean sciences. Mote internships are designed to inspire students with a life-long appreciation and commitment to the conservation and sustainability of our oceans by providing unique, hands-on opportunities to conduct ocean science research, education or support services under the mentorship of Mote scientists, educators, animal care specialists and other professionals. The experience gained through Mote internships should provide both the knowledge and experience base to prepare the intern for entry level employment within related fields.
Summer application deadline is March 1st.
For specific job duties and responsibilities related to internships, please visit
To apply for an internship, please visit
For questions, email
Point of Contact: Intern