INTERNSHIPS & Scholarships
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Marine Science Technician
Affiliation: non-MATE
Company / Organization: Ocean Research Project
Type: College/University Internships
City: Arctic - Greenland - Canada
State or Country if outside US: Greenland - Canada
Application Deadline: 28-Apr-23
Duration: Mid June till early September
A science/technician assistant for an incredibly challenging Arctic expedition from mid June to early September in Greenland and the Canadian Arctic. We will map the seafloor and observe characteristics of the water column with sensors and collecting water samples. This opportunity is voluntary and all expenses are paid. You will work hard, be mentored and empowered to pursue an exploratory career combining science & seamanship. You will fly in and out of Greenland.
A combination of personal and or professional boat, marine science and technical skills are preferred. Everyone is welcome to apply, women are encouraged to reach out! Please send a cover letter, resume, and a reference contact.
Point of Contact: Nicole Trenhollm